Hall to be built on Mount Herzl, in memory of fallen soldiers.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak anounced the opening of a National Remembrance Hall at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, on Sunday morning."Every year on Remembrance Day," Barak said, "the people of Israel unite to remember the fallen and respect the exceptional actions of boy and girls who are ready to volunteer, out of free will and a sense of responsibility for their nation, to give their lives and defend their homeland."Barak quoted Yigal Allon, former IDF general and commander of the Palmah as saying "a nation that does not remember its past has a poor present and a future concealed in fog.""In this spirit of respect, recognition and commitment to the memory of the fallen and their legacy" Barak continued, "Here, in the place where we are standing, a National Remembrance Hall will be built. "Barak explained that the hall will be the central location formemorializing the servicemen and women who fell defending the Land ofIsrael. The names of the fallen will be engraved on plaques, and acandle will be lit next to each name on the anniversary of each death."Thus, they will be remembered for generations," Barak said."As minister of defense, I recognize the deep moral obligation to thefamilies of the fallen. Building a Remembrance Hall is another layer inthe perpetuation of the fallens' legacies and memories."Barak also emphasized the significance of Mount Herzl, mentioningHerzl's grave and the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial on the site.