Attorney Ze’ev Sharaf, who represents the residents of the Beit Yehonatan building in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, released a response on Monday to a letter sent by State Attorney Moshe Lador to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat last Thursday, which had called on the mayor to seal the seven-story structure immediately.According to Sharaf, Lador’s letter to Barkat included “numerous errors” and its timing and subsequent publication over the weekend was “a means of exerting pressure.” Sharaf also expressed his suspicions that “extraneous considerations along with personal and political motives” were behind the letter.Regarding Lador’s “mistakes,” Sharaf pointed out that the stateattorney had claimed “numerous orders to seal the building had beenissued,” when, according to Sharaf, only one such order had been issued.Sharaf also noted that Lador had claimed the High Court had issued suchorders, when, according to Sharaf, the order to seal Beit Yehonatan hadcome from “a court that deals with local matters only.”Additionally,Sharaf questioned Lador’s labeling of the order to seal the building as“long-outstanding” and pointed to the fact that Silwan was an area“filled with numerous and severely outstanding orders for Arab homesthat are, by the admission of municipality attorneys, routinelyignored.”