Bill banning Israelis who visit enemy states from becoming MKs sparks fury
The Knesset on Wednesday passed a preliminary reading of two bills according to which any citizen visiting an enemy state without authorization would not be allowed to run for the Knesset.
The bills were proposed by MK Estherina Tartman (Israel Beitenu) and MK Zevulun Orlev (NU-NRP). Their approval was met with outrage by Arab and left-wing MKs.
"The face of the Knesset is the face of Tartman," said Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List).
"Corrupt MKs are destroying the democratic pretenses of Israel and want a Knesset with no Arabs." He added that, if invited, he would go to any of the nations defined as "enemy states" without delay.
MK Muhammad Barakeh (Hadash) said "the parade of decadent, racist laws has reached one of its peaks in the passing of this law with the approval of the government coalition. To all the inciting racists we say that if we stand before a choice between leaving the Knesset and severing ourselves from our people and history - we leave you the Knesset, and may all racists choke."