The former MK is accused of one of the handful of crimes on which the capital punishment is still in force in Israel.
By DAN IZENBERGazmi bishara(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski [file])
Former MK Azmi Bishara is suspected of one of only a handful of crimes on the Israeli statute books that provide for capital punishment.
In 1954, the Knesset abolished capital punishment for murder. However, it retained three sections of the Penal Code's Article Two, entitled "Treason," including impairment of the sovereignty or integrity of the state, causing war and assistance to the enemy in time of war.
It also left intact capital punishment in the Nazi and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law (1950).
There is also a provision for capital punishment in Regulation 58 of the 1945 Defense Emergency Regulations covering offenses involving illegal use of firearms against persons, or use of explosives or inflammable objects with intent to kill or to create grievous bodily harm.
Capital punishment for treason is also included in the Military Adjudication Law.