Dichter: Katsav should apologize to police

"The President's comments blemish 28,000 police officers that work night and day for the security of the country."

avi dichter 298 88 aj (photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
avi dichter 298 88 aj
(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
"Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter categorically rejects the allegations made by the President in his efforts to blemish the law enforcement authorities, which are headed by the Israel Police and the Attorney General," a statement released by Dichter's ministry soon after President Moshe Katsav's speech Wednesday night. "The President's comments blemish 28,000 police officers that work night and day for the security of the country," the statement read. "In every instance that the President felt that investigators acted in a manner during the investigation that harmed him or his reputation, he had the right, which is guaranteed to every citizen, to file a complaint that would be followed up until it was resolved." "The Minister rejects the validity of the slander leveled at Israel Police, and hopes that President Katsav finds the opportunity to apologize about the things that were said in a storm of emotion against people who also have emotions." Police were seemingly taken aback by Katsav's tirade against them. "We would have expected from him to speak in a more dignified manner. If he contends that he is still the president, then tonight's speech was definitely not becoming of a man that holds that title," a police spokesperson said. "Katsav never once made a complaint against the actions of the investigative team, or any officers involved in the investigation," police said.