Gov't approves reservist benefits

NIS 400-2000 to be given to soldiers depending on the duration of their service.

Peretz soldiers 298.88 (photo credit: Defense Ministry)
Peretz soldiers 298.88
(photo credit: Defense Ministry)
The government on Sunday approved a proposal by Defense Minister Amir Peretz to grant financial benefits to IDF reservists who participated in the fighting in Lebanon.
  • Magazine feature: Lambs to the slaughter? The benefits will be given in the following form to all soldiers that received emergency call-up orders and were subsequently drafted:
  • A financial grant of NIS 70 million to be distributed as follows: NIS 50 for every day served, for all soldiers who served eight days or more.
  • A scholarship fund totaling NIS 40 million that is meant for all reserve soldiers who are currently students.
  • Hardship aid and assistance similar to what was given to residents in the North, so that the soldiers whose businesses were harmed due to their absence at work, will be compensated. This assistance will come in the form of loans to businesses, payment deferrals, and financial compensation for indirect damages.