IAI, Joint create jobs for haredi dropouts

Aim to train ex-yeshiva students as software technicians.

haredi job training 298 (photo credit: Courtesy)
haredi job training 298
(photo credit: Courtesy)
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee has joined forces with Israel Aerospace Industries to train ex-yeshiva students as software technicians starting next week. The course, designed to create employment opportunities for Haredim interested in joining the workforce, is to take place at the IAI's MABAT Satellite Division factory in Yehud. Israel Aerospace Industries has committed itself to hiring at least half of the graduates, expected to number approximately 15. The Joint Distribution Committee said it would help those who are not accepted to IAI to find other employment. During the training, the haredi students - mostly men in their 30s who are already exempt from military service - will study English, mathematics and computer science. JDC offers the students a loan that turns into a grant for those who graduate and are accepted for work at IAI. The IAI initiative is in conjunction with JDC's Mafteach program at the Zusman Center for Haredi Employment, which was established to promote employment opportunities for those not members of the workforce. Mafteach ("key" in Hebrew) provides job skills, including resume-writing workshops; job search techniques; and additional advice on how to look for jobs, in a facility that is culturally and religiously sensitive to the haredi way of life.