Israel braces for a snowy Thursday

Municipalities in J'lem, Safed, Golan, MDA and IDF prepare for stormy weather.

MDA ambulance snow 311 (photo credit: MDA)
MDA ambulance snow 311
(photo credit: MDA)
Amid weather forecasts predicting snow on Thursday, Magen David Adom, the IDF and local municipalities were preparing for the cold weather ahead.
Rains, winds and low temperatures are expected throughout the country on Wednesday night, with the coldest temperatures predicted on Thursday morning, when snow is expected to fall in Jerusalem and in areas higher than 800 meters above sea-level in the Galilee and Golan Heights.
In light of the expected snow, the Jerusalem and Safed municipalities issued instructions to snow plowing teams for opening major roads to traffic. The Golan Regional Council readied snow plows and was coordinating its actions with the IDF snow removal team.
The IDF was also preparing for the snow, and soldiers stationed on Mount Hermon were instructed to wear special protective gear.
Throughout the country, MDA readied ambulances with power steering, andspecial suits were issued to the emergency medical teams. Technicalbackup systems, such as generators and emergency lighting systems atthe MDA stations and vehicles, were also being checked.
The public should set home heating systems at 24 degrees Celcius and should wear warm clothes, MDA advised.
MDA also requested that anyone who does not need to leave the houserefrain from doing so, as ice was expected to form on sidewalks androads.