Israel to review footage of Miller shooting

British cameraman was allegedly killed by IDF officer near Rafah in 2003.

james miller 298.88 (photo credit: Associated Press [file])
james miller 298.88
(photo credit: Associated Press [file])
Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz has requested a copy of the film footage of the incident that led to the death of British cameraman James Miller, who was shot near Rafah in the Gaza Strip on May 2, 2003. In June, British Attorney-General Peter Goldsmith set a August 7 deadline for Israel to put the IDF officer who allegedly shot Miller on trial for murder or else extradite him to the UK. British officials and Miller's family said they were willing to be flexible on the timetable as long as Mazuz considered the new evidence. A British police expert studied the footage, filmed by a local TV crew, and concluded that the gunfire came from the direction of an IDF armored personnel carrier. Goldsmith said the new findings contrasted with Israel's decision to not prosecute the soldier or soldiers responsible for the incident. British officials said they will deliver the original footage to Israel in the coming days, adding and that they expect an Israeli response within five weeks.