Jerusalem opposition party splinters

Three members of mayoral hopeful Nir Barkat's party decide to break away and form own party.

nir barkat 88.224 (photo credit: Courtesy)
nir barkat 88.224
(photo credit: Courtesy)
After months of infighting and internal disputes, the main opposition party on the Jerusalem city council has splintered in half. The decision by three members of Jerusalem opposition leader Nir Barkat's party to break away from the party, and form their own separate party represented a stinging blow for the city opposition leader, who is planning to run again for mayor in the next mayoral elections. The move comes after months of burgeoning tensions between the three city councilors, Ruth Ralbag, Avi Kostelitz and Meir Tourgemann, and Barkat, during which time they often voted with Mayor Uri Lupolianski on critical city votes.