Mixed reactions to court ruling on Ramon; coalition chairman welcomes decision.
By JPOST.COM STAFFhaim ramon thinks 298.88(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Following the court's ruling Thursday morning that Haim Ramon's conviction does not carry with it moral turpitude, head of the National Religious Party (NRP) Zevulun Orlev said that appointing anyone convicted of an indecent act as a minister is an indecent act within itself.
"If Olmert appoints Ramon as minister, it will constitute moral turpitude and yet another sign of the corrupt and immoral government," Orlev said.
MK Zvi Hendel (National Union) also protested, saying that if Ramon returns to political life it would be "true moral turpitude on behalf of the legal system which has surrendered to the vulgar and hypocritical campaign that the left has held in favor of their beloved member."
Kadima coalition chairman Avigdor Yitzhaki expressed his support for the ruling, which also sentenced Ramon to 120 hours of community service.
In an interview with Israel Radio, Yitzhaki said that he is "very happy that the court settled the matter in the best possible way," and that Ramon could return immediately to political life.
He added that although he hopes Finance Minister Avraham Hirchson is not suspended in wake of allegations of embezzlement against him, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert would have to seriously consider Ramon for Finance Minister if he is.