Wolfson doctors volunteer to treat refugees

A large number of physicians from Wolfson Medical Center in Holon volunteered this week to treat refugees from Darfur and Sudan who are passing through the Egyptian/Israel border in growing numbers. Dr. Arye Levin, the head of the pediatric gastroenterology unit, made contact with Physicians for Human Rights and offered to provide medical examinations and treatment. In addition to Wolfson doctors, a gynecologist from Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba and medical students from Ben-Gurion University joined in the volunteer work. They drove down to Beersheba, where most of the refugees are staying and began the medical examinations. Many of the children suffer from conventional infections in their ears, on their skin and hepatitis A, plus asthma, serious anemia, diabetes and heart disease. Many also have wounds from being beaten by Egyptian soldiers, the doctors said.