The Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza (Yesha) requested on Tuesday that Attorney General Menahem Mazuz initiate an investigation on suspicion of incitement against the state by Israeli peace organizations.
The Yesha Council did so in light of the Makom Leshalom (Place for Peace) and Shvil Hazahav (Golden Path) peace organizations' decision to commemorate the Palestinian Nakba on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the community of Ness Amim in the Galilee.
The council reported that both Jews and Arabs were expected to participate in the ceremony.
"The Nakba is the 'Holocaust Memorial Day' of Israel's enemies who mourn its resurrection and wish for its annihilation", the Yesha council stated.
Palestinians define Nakba day as the national disaster which befell them following Israel's victory in the 1948 War.