Grandma Knows Best

Home remedies for a better winter.

HEALTH CHECK at the WIZO baby home in Jerusalem. (photo credit: ENP)
HEALTH CHECK at the WIZO baby home in Jerusalem.
(photo credit: ENP)

Dry Skin

Cold weather and low humidity can dry out your skin in the wintertime. This can be uncomfortable, but there are many ways to take care of it.  Best of all, these solutions are all natural, easy, and you can make them with things you already have at home.


On the inside: Make sure you are drinking lots of water! Drink at least eight cups a day. If drinking water gets boring for you, you can add fruit or drink herbal tea.


On the outside: There are a ton of different treatments you can make at home for dry skin.  Here are a few:



Banana/ Papaya/ Avocado mix. Sounds yummy, right? This is also a great way to fight dryness. Mix together a banana, an avocado, and half a papaya. Put this on your body wherever it is dry (even on your face!), wait 15 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. 


Honey and oatmeal. Mix honey and oatmeal together. Put a little bit of warm water on your dry areas, and then put the mix on. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off. This will make your skin soft and smell good for sure.


Oils are also great and easy for moisturizing your body. Coconut oil is good for your hair, olive oil for your body and face, and a few drops of lavender oil into the water when you take a bath. These will all help you feel and look great.  Remember though, the trick with using oil is not to use too much. Just a little is best, so think ‘less is more’.



A Cold 

Who doesn't get a little sick during the winter? No one likes feeling this way, so here are some natural remedies to fight the symptoms:


For a sore throat, gargle with salt water. Simply put salt in hot water, and wash it around in your throat. Another great treatment is ginger tea. Add honey for an even better remedy.


For a stuffy nose, steams can help. Take a hot shower, or put your head over a bowl of hot water (be careful not to burn yourself!) to clear your nose. You can also drink hot soup or drinks. Another thing that works is to smell cut onions or tea tree oil.


For a headache, your first step should be drinking water. Many times dehydration is the cause of a headache.  If this doesn’t work, try to relax. Stress can also cause it. Other things you can do is smell oils like chamomile or rosemary, or press an ice pack against your head for ten minutes.



Feeling blue

Not feeling like yourself? Feel a little sad, tired, or slow? These are all normal things to feel during the winter. Usually, the sun makes our bodies release a chemical that makes us happy, but on winter days, which are shorter and darker, we can all get a little down.  Here’s what you can do:


Stay active.  Exercise, even something as simple as taking walks, will give you more energy, and make you feel better.  Try going out with a friend - the company and talking will make you feel happier right away.


Get as much sun as you can. Try to spend some time outside every day. The sun gives you vitamins that are good for your body.


Eat healthy. Sometimes when we feel lazy, it’s because we aren’t eating the right things. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can. Also make sure you are getting enough protein like fish, beans, and nuts. Skip things like cheese and ice cream, milk can make you more tired. Also, skip those sugary snacks.  These might give you energy, but it will only be for a short time.


Sleep. Sleep is very important for your body, not only will it make you feel rested, it will help protect your body against getting sick.