AstroloJeW: A special holiday solar eclipse

Hodesh Tevet 5782 (December 4 – January 2).

astrology (photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)

December 4 Shabbat Hanukkah is Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Parshat Miketz, and a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Anyone can see that this day has an awesome spiritual significance for the Jewish people. Tzedek, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, and Shabbtai, the planetary ruler of Tevet and Capricorn, are thematically linked here to remind us of their joint heralding of the “Aquarian Age” by their conjunction in December 2020. This year we are reminded that structures that will not sway with the winds of change are destined to fall, societies that have calcified their compassion will self-destruct and those that turn to mourn the loss of heartlessness will themselves be turned into pillars of salt. 

Venus/Noga’s long transit (November 5-March 5) through Capricorn includes a retrograde period from December 19-January 18, during which Venus conjuncts powerful Pluto; direct on December 11 and retrograde December 25.

Venus and Pluto both relate to different aspects of wealth and their conjunction in Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn tempts the fearful and the shortsighted into rapacious opportunities with terrible downsides, while providing the wise the chance to invest resources into environmentally sustainable enterprises. Winners play the long game.

Tekufat Tevet, the Winter Solstice, comes December 21, followed by the third of 2021’s three exact conjunctions of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus/Oron in Taurus, the theme of which – a maddening dance of two steps forward, one step back – has been the leitmotif of this soon-to-be-finished solar year. Radical conservatism and pragmatic progressivism butt heads once again. 

A respite, at least for the spiritually minded, comes December 28 when Jupiter enters Pisces. All things having to do with faith, belief, idealism, visions, dreams, and a rich, creative imagination are enhanced and enlarged, at least through mid-May of 2022. May we see each other for the good!

Astrology chart (credit: Courtesy)
Astrology chart (credit: Courtesy)

ARIES / TALEHThe evolution of tribal leader Judah’s hard-won spiritual maturity was modeled in the nuanced, subtle difference between ideological zealotry and divinely inspired leadership. Channel this example yourself on Zot Hanukkah (the eighth day of the holiday), as Mars/Ma’adim in Scorpio sextiles powerful Pluto December 6, and reveals either outsized ego or striking humility at the square of Mars to Jupiter/Tzedek December 8. Aim for inspirational heights when Mars enters Sagittarius December 13; your energy levels are at a full gallop, and you feel ready to tackle even those things which normally make you feel your own vulnerability December 25 when Mars trines Wounded Healer Chiron. 

TAURUS / SHORThe long transit of planetary ruler Venus/Noga in Capricorn from November 5-March 5 includes a retrograde period, beginning December 19. This means Venus will make two conjunctions to powerful, passionate, and intense Pluto during Hodesh Tevet; direct on December 11 and retrograde on December 25. Tribal ruler Issachar’s gift of discerning the meaning of the times and seasons is your resource during this Venus cycle. Be wise in decision making around money; Venus and Pluto both relate to different aspects of wealth and their conjunction in practical, pragmatic Capricorn bodes well for investing resources into environmentally sustainable enterprises. 

GEMINI / TE’OMIMBeware of overpromising and underdelivering when Mercury/Kochav in Sagittarius squares Neptune/Rahav in Pisces December 7. Realism returns when Mercury enters Capricorn December 13. The Full Moon in Gemini December 18 with Mercury square Wounded Healer Chiron reveals answers to the most delicate, sensitive questions. You’re inspired with brilliant originality at the trine of Mercury to Uranus/Oron December 20; Mercury conjunct Retrograde Venus and Pluto December 29-30 must use charismatic communicative power with even greater subtlety. You are responsible for the effect of your words! Humanitarian interests take precedence when Mercury enters Aquarius January 2. Steer clear of partisan commitments.

CANCER / SARTANRosh Hodesh Tevet begins Shabbat Hanukkah, with a Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius December 4. Your emotions directly affect your health; you may want to initiate a gentle cleanse now, beginning with feelings you’re repressing around your partnership relationships. Though you’re inclined to forgive all at the First Quarter Moon in Pisces December 10, the past can’t be put behind you until you’ve articulated any hurt or vulnerable feelings to your partner at the Full Moon in Gemini December 18, with Mercury/Kochav square to Wounded Healer Chiron. Last Quarter Moon in Libra December 26 brings harmony.

LEO / ARYEHIf you dim the lights of romantic love, will it still be there? Dare to find out at the Total Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Sagittarius December 4, Hanukkah Rosh Hodesh Tevet. If what you’re calling love can’t survive an episode of darkness, is it really love after all? Truth and illusion fight for precedence at the Sun’s square to Neptune/Rahav December 12. The Sun enters Capricorn on Tekufat Tevet, the Winter Solstice, December 21. Guard your normally robust health when Sun squares Wounded Healer Chiron December 28; pamper your immune system when Sun trines Uranus January 1.

VIRGO / BETULAHConflicts between family traditions and partnership preferences come to a head when Mercury/Kochav squares Neptune/Rahav December 7. Better to compromise and cooperate than to play power games when Mercury sextiles Pluto December 11. Mercury enters Capricorn December 13, supporting stability, which you will need December 18 when Mercury squares Wounded Healer Chiron at the Full Gemini Moon. Don’t take friendship or familiarity for granted in formal or business environments; better to under promise and overdeliver when Mercury trines Uranus/Oron December 20. Mercury conjuncts Retrograde Venus/Noga and Pluto December 29-30 before entering Aquarius January 2. Promises made now are unbreakable. 

LIBRA / MOZNAYIMThe long transit of planetary ruler Venus/Noga in Capricorn from November 5-March 5 includes a retrograde period, beginning December 19. This means Venus will make two conjunctions to transformative Pluto during Hodesh Tevet; direct on December 11 and retrograde on December 25. This all happens in the realm of your home and family and could indicate a dramatic change of status around issues of wealth, inheritance and ancestral legacy. Last Quarter Moon in Libra December 26 with Mercury/Kochav sextile Neptune/Rahav brings balance; Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus retrograde December 29 reveals important information that clarifies an otherwise murky situation.

SCORPIO / AKRAVTribal ruler Manasseh was given the wisdom of subtle investigation and interpretation, for the purpose of understanding secrets. Your own wisdom is likewise channeled December 6, Zot Hanukkah, with classical planetary ruler Mars/Ma’adim sextile to modern planetary ruler Pluto. Your innately powerful intuition is re-energized December 8-11 when Mars squares Jupiter/Tzedek, Mercury/Kochav sextiles and Venus/Noga conjuncts Pluto. Give your robust vitality a physical outlet when Mars enters Sagittarius December 13. Use the precise, laser-like focus of a brain surgeon to dissect powerful feelings December 25 when Mars trines Chiron and Venus retrograde conjuncts Pluto. Your immense personal charisma heals.

SAGITTARIUS / KASHATIt’s a celestial triple play December 4 on Shabbat Hanukkah Rosh Hodesh Tevet, which is a Total Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Sagittarius. You are energized and grounded at the same time, firing on all cylinders, and receive an extra boost of power when Mars/Ma’adim squares Jupiter/Tzedek December 8. Mars enter Sagittarius December 13 which brings out tribal ruler Benjamin’s combative side; make sure you’re fighting for the light when the Sun sextile Jupiter December 19. Jupiter enters Pisces, his classical co-ruler, December 28. Faith, belief, dreams, idealism, and spiritual matters are all greatly enlarged through mid-May 2022.

CAPRICORN / G’DIShabbat Hanukkah Rosh Hodesh Tevet is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This powerful diminution and subsequent revelation of light is aimed where your unconscious mind stores everything you don’t want to look at. As Joseph enacted a drama to awaken his brothers in Egypt, so you are being radically awakened by the drama being enacted around you. Mercury/Kochav enters Capricorn December 13 and the Sun on Tekufat Tevet, the Winter Solstice, December 21. The third of 2021’s three squares of Saturn/Shabbtai to Uranus/Oron December 24 continues the process of structural disruption; Capricorn New Moon January 2 re-energizes spirit.

AQUARIUS / D’LIAll the burnishing you’ve undergone these last two years has only made you shine brighter. Mercury/Kochav trine Uranus/Oron December 20 puts the spotlight on your originality. The last of 2021’s three squares of Saturn/Shabbtai to Uranus December 24 cements your belief that the future must make amends for the past. Genius loves company January 1 with Sun trine Uranus; let everyone else suffer a hangover while you pull out in front and take the lead. Tribal leader Asher wasn’t competitive, but he was cooperative and community-minded; Mercury enters Aquarius January 2 and you’re emulating his example of familial generosity.

PISCES / DAGIMMercury/Kochav in superlative-prone Sagittarius squares Neptune/Rahav in boundary-challenged Pisces December 7. Careful of exaggeration and excessive embellishment! Equanimity is restored at the First Quarter Moon in Pisces December 10; you’re ready to have your perceptions challenged and defend your point of view at the Sun’s square Neptune December 12. Make sure you can show your sources if necessary! Mercury’s sextile to Neptune December 26 supports a grounded perspective. Jupiter/Tzedek’s entrance into Pisces December 28 enlarges and enhances your visibility, your “luck” and likeability, and general perceptions both gracious and favorable through mid-May 2022. You leave a lingering good impression.