Gordon Brown hails Pessah values

"The story that you retell at the Seder table each year is one which shaped history and continues to serve as an inspiration for people all over the world," says British PM in a letter to be published on official website.

Gordon Brown 298.88 (photo credit: AP)
Gordon Brown 298.88
(photo credit: AP)
In a message to the Jewish community for Pessah, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has paid tribute to the values and messages of the Seder story. "I want to wish you all a Pessah Sameach," he said in a letter which will be published on the Prime Minister's Office official Web site, 'Number 10,' on Wednesday. "The story that you retell at the Seder table each year is one which shaped history and continues to serve as an inspiration for people all over the world. "It is a story of how a people retained their vision of a better future even amidst great suffering; of how a people built that better future by focusing always on children and on teaching your children the values you hold dear; and it is a story of hope, the hope that keeps us going on the long walk to freedom." Brown also paid tribute to the role played by Jews in British society. "This story is at the heart of what is so special about the Jewish community and the great contribution you have made to Britain," he said. "Please accept my warm wishes for a happy Pessah and pass them on to your family and friends." Last week, Brown called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to congratulate him on forming a government. They discussed regional issues including Iran and the Middle East peace process. Brown encouraged Netanyahu to engage constructively toward a two-state solution building on the Arab Peace Initiative, first proposed in 2002, in particular through action on settlements.