Rare Golda Meir handwritten postcard to be auctioned
The postcard addressed to Shoshana Golotzinkit was stamped in Alexandria, Egypt in May 1930 and depicts the Nile River.
By REENAT SINAYHandwritten postcard from Golda Meir on auction.(photo credit: Courtesy)
A rare 1930 postcard written by Golda Meir in Egypt will be auctioned on Thursday in Los Angeles.The postcard, written in Hebrew and Yiddish, was addressed to Shoshana Golotzinskit in Tel Aviv, Palestine.It reads: “Shalom Shoshana, I hope that you telegraphed me the addresses. Please send the Horowitz book immediately, tell Lobatkin that I forgot to buy it. I ask you, my dear, to write me. It’s very difficult for me. Shalom to Ruthie. Golda.”Front of postcard.The postcard was stamped in Alexandria in May 1930 and depicts the Nile River.The commemorative stamp is of King Fuad, who became Sultan of Sudan and Egypt in 1917. He became King Fuad I when Egypt gained independence from Britain in 1922.Meir traveled outside of British Mandate Israel frequently in 1929 and 1930.She traveled to the United States on behalf of the Women’s Labor Council and made two trips to Great Britain, including a 1930 trip to participate in the Conference of Socialist Women.At that time it was nearly impossible to enter the country through the port in Jaffa, since many Arab boat owners refused to transport Jews to Palestine, according to the auction house historians.Instead, she would have traveled through Alexandria and taken the train to Palestine.
Meir served as Israel’s fourth prime minister from 1969- 1974. She was Israel’s first and only female prime minister, and the world’s third woman to hold such an office. She died in 1978 and was buried on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.The postcard will be auctioned by Nate D. Sanders Auctions, which specializes in documents and autographs.Bids may also be made online.