Solar energy firm offers revolutionary warranty

A solar energy firm unveiled a revolutionary extended warranty of 48 months for any malfunction caused by the installation of a home solar energy system.

The solar field at Kibbutz Ketura. (photo credit: LINDA GRADSTEIN)
The solar field at Kibbutz Ketura.
(photo credit: LINDA GRADSTEIN)
Solar energy firm Enerpoint unveiled a revolutionary extended warranty of 48 months for any malfunction caused by the installation of a home solar energy system, with the option to extend the warranty for up to seven years.
The company also committed to a response time of up to three business days to deal with a malfunctioning system, and it will also provide a manufacturer’s warranty for panels and converters and an importer’s warranty in Hebrew for the panels.
“We monitor the system’s performance on a daily basis and are committed to high response times in the event of a system outage,” Nir Peleg, CEO of the company, said. “The terms ‘peace of mind’ and ‘value’ are very, very important for us.”
In the past year during the pandemic, there was an 80% increase in the installation of solar energy systems compared to the same period in the previous year, both in private homes and in agricultural enterprises, logistics centers and industrial buildings.
Enerpoint has installed about 1,900 solar energy systems in the private and business sectors.
In the first half of 2021, there has been a 50% increase so far of purchasing groups installing solar energy systems.