• The English Speakers’ Club of Ashdod (ESCA) gets together on Fridays at the Zohara Restaurant in the Ashdod Bus Station from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Info: Anita, 054-465-1327, or Chana (08) 855-7116.• The Conservative Synagogue “Etz Haim” in Ashdod assembles on Fridays for Erev Shabbat devotional services (20 minutes before sundown) as well as on Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The Etz Haim Synagogue is located at Public Shelter No. 25 on Rehov Yitzhak Hanassi in Ashdod. Info: Refael David, (08) 864- 2482, or Anita Raymond, 054- 465-1327• Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung in the Ashdod area. Exercise for fun, balance, strength, energy. Wednesdays 9 a.m., 7 p.m. Classes in the park in good weather, sheltered area in rainy weather. Susan www.taichisusan.com; 054- 237-5512• Parkinsons Support Group Ashdod (and for surrounding areas) meets Wednesdays 4:30-7 at the Bet Avot Ashdod, entrance Harav Nissim 17, next to Ashdod police station. Infomation 08-8551051. Amutat Parkinson 077-418-1900; English (08) 858-1151.ASHKELON• Kehillat Netzach Israel (Masorti/Conservative Congregation) - Services: Fridays at 6:45pm and Saturdays at 9am - Bar/Bat Mitzva courses, Talmud/Torah classes, Adult Educational lectures, NOAM youth group, Pre-School Day Care Center and ongoing cultural activities. Rabbi Michael Even David; for info.call (08) 671- 1370/1 or e-mail: kehillat@zahav.net.il. Also see website: www.netzachisrael.org.il• Emotions Anonymous Ashkelon. Call Osnat (08) 673- 1258; or Moshe (08) 673-4086BEERSHEBA• Negev, Eilat, South e-mail list advice, events, what’s on, Eilat, Beersheba, Mitzpe, Arad and Ein Gedi. Festivals, theaters, concerts, find car rides, jobs available, jobs wanted, flat-hunting, business promos. www.groups.yahoo.com/group/NegevEilat.• Omer, Magen Avraham (Conservative) Congregation: Friday 6:30 p.m.; Saturday 8:30 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzva courses, adult study, after-school program. Rabbi Gil Nativ (08) 646- 0424; email efrat@magenav.org• The Flying Camels Ultimate Frisbee team would like to invite you to join them on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m.. Venue: the sports field next to Shomron St. in the Neot Lon neighborhood of Beersheba. For details, call Noam: 054-7739954 laskern@yahoo.com• Beersheba, Eshel Avraham (Masorti/Conservative) Congregation – Fri. 5:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. Torah classes (Hebrew, English, Russian and Spanish). Talmud classes, activities, bar/bat mitzva, Noam youth, kindergarten ages 1-6. Israeli folkdance. (08) 642-1424; (08) 642-0989.• Beersheba English speaking Seniors Social Club – Thursday 4-6 p.m.. (08) 642-2915; 627-2593.• Beersheba Hadassah meets the fourth Monday morning of each month, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon. Ganei Ye’elim, Shchuna Heh. Coffee, social, and always an interesting program/speaker. NIS 10. Info: Shirley, (08) 658-8262.• The AACI Southern Region Library at Matnas Yud-Alef in Beersheba has more than 6,000 volumes of fiction and non-fiction. Hours: Sun. through Wed. from 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Sun. Mon. and Wed. from 4 to 6 p.m.; and every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. 11 Mordechai Namir St. Info: (08) 643-3953.• Beersheba Singles Club (25-45), beersheva–singles @hotmail.com EILAT • Tagel Arava Masorti Community Eilat. Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. At former Allon School (in the caravans to rear of school). Please phone 050-579-3225 or (08) 633-4368 for more information.• Eilat English Speakers WIZO group meet at WIZO House, Jerusalem St. 10-12 a.m. Tuesdays. Winter Program incl. speakers (all welcome to submit request to speak on career, hobby etc.) Refreshments. NIS 10. Contact: Anne, (08) 633- 0323; Fay, (08) 637-2344.• ESRA’s unique Ethiopian embroidery products are on sale in Eilat. Kippot, mezuzot, hamsot embroidered on hand-towels; coasters, placemats; greeting and gift cards, all at reasonable prices. Proceeds go to the Ethiopian embroiderers. To view and purchase, call Fonda: (08) 633-2205.• Pregnancy support in Eilat – Birth preparation, active birth, yoga and relaxation. Support after birth: mother and baby, help with breastfeeding, baby massage, yoga and relaxation. Small groups. Tues. mornings. Alison (08) 633-5024; 052-835-1182.• Shirat Hayam Masorti/ Conservative Synagogue – Beit Wizo, Jerusalem St., Eilat. Fri at 6 p.m. Michelle, 050-421-1591.• Eilat – Kalooki players South African rules. Kaleen (08) 753-30705 or 050-529-1925 • Shira Hadasha (Masorati/ Conservative) in Arad – Friday (according to candle lighting time), most of the winter 4:30 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. Lior, 052- 545-3436. “What’s Up?” – An educational mobile observatory sets up our telescope every night on or near the promenade, showing passers-by the planets and the moon with detailed explanations and handout sheets. Info 052-535-2933; 054-481-9973.• Arts and crafts market – Locally made leather goods, jewelry, ceramics, paintings, etc. Fridays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Park Hayovel, near Imax. Artists and street performers welcome to join (upon committee approval). Billie, 054-584-1282; bilbi40@yahoo.com• Le Leche League Israel – Support for breastfeeding mothers. Monthly meetings throughout the country. 1-599-525-821• Scopus: The Center for Matchmaking in the Jewish World for singles age 20-45, across the observance spectrum. (02) 532-8435; us@scopus.org; Web site: www.scopus.orgHAIFA & NORTH • April 18-26: Pessah, Safed-style – Come celebrate the holiday at Ascent. Adults of all ages, married or single, college students and retirees. Lectures on mind and spirit; workshops; live soul music, hikes, meals and more. Info:Ascent at 1-800-30-40-70 or (04) 692-1364 x 0. seminars@ AscentOfSafed.com http://ascentofsafed.comOngoing Events• The Karmiel English Speakers’ Club is open every Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Library, tea and coffee, board games, or just chat. For confirmation of ocasional Saturday evening opening, 7 pm. till throwout time, phone Gwenn at (04) 998-1925. Location: below the hotel, opposite the main post office.• Two New ESRA Branches in the North, for English speaking activities, lectures and volunteering. For the Karmiel/Misgav area, please contact Frankie (04) 998-2871 or email esra.karm@gmail.com. For the Nahariya/Northern Coast areas, contact Tonielle 054-787-1452 or email north.coast.esra.@gmail.com• Kehillat Emet VeShalom Nahariya (Reform/Progressive Synagogue) – Kabbalat Shabbat Services on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. (winter time) (6:30 p.m. summer time) with Rabbi Israel Horowitz in Matnas Mifal Hapayis, Rehov Keren Hayesod, Nahariya. Bar/bat mitzva preparation, weddings, conversion, holiday and communal activities; study groups and courses. Information, call office at 108 Rehov Weizman, Nahariya Tel/Fax: (04) 992-9723; or email: EmeteShalom@ googlegroups.com; website: http://evsnewsletter.googlepages .com/home• HaMinyan HaMishpachti, Kfar Vradim. (Egalitarian, Masorti /Conservative Congregation) Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:15 p.m.; Shabbat Morning Services 9 a.m. at Eshkol Haganim “Gefen,” Kfar Vradim. Bar/Bat Mitzva preparation, HALOM after-school program for gan hova and elementary-school children; NEW Youth Group for teenagers, ongoing Adult Educational Programs. Contacts: Rabbi Zvi Berger, 052-475-3870; Galit Haim, 052-688-1083; Ofer David 052-379-3448.• AACI Library – English Language, 55 Shimshon St, corner Moriah St. Mon., Wed. 9 a.m.-12 a.m.; Tues. 3-5 p.m.. Rayla, 837-4744.• AACI is starting an Englishspeaking mothers and babies/toddlers group in Haifa. Casual chat, a place where your baby/toddler can play with others. Contact Rebecca, 052- 749-0227, or e-mail: ymusnikow@aaci.org.il.• An English-speaking singleparents group in Haifa. A social get-together sharing ups and downs of life in Israel. Interested? Contact: ymusnikow@aaci.org.il.• Gitit Choir, the veteran Haifabased a capella mixed choir, is looking for new singers. Rudimentary music reading helpful, Rehearsals: Tuesdays 7–10:30 p.m. at the Reali Elementary School in Ahuza. Call Yarden, 054-794-3333.• Carmel Choir (founded by Rhoda Keyson) a warm and friendly group, olim and vatikim, for amateurs and accomplished singers. Rehearsals Wednesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. at The Dunie Weizman Conservatory of Music. For information call Annette (04) 825-1984 or Eve (04) 834-5572, e-mail annette@technion.ac.il.• Hadera: Learn quilt making, for English speakers. Call Darlene at 050-724-9770.• The Safed English Library – a one-of-a-kind lending library serving readers throughout Israel. Includes best-sellers, classics, health, magazines, nature, travel, Judaism, audio-books, DVDs and more. Extensive children’s library. We welcome good condition and unique books. Open Sundays (9-11:30 a.m.), Mondays (7-9 p.m.), Tuesdays (2-4:30 p.m.), Fridays (9-11 a.m.). (04) 692-1592. E-mail: edyth@kinneret.co.il• Valleys – Amakim notice board. Join the e-mail network for residents of Jezreel Valley, Beit She’an Valley, Jordan Valley, Nazareth, Migdal Ha’emek, Afula, Beit She’an, kibbutzim, Kinneret region. You may post Events, Offers, Advice, Personals, Services, Buy, Swap, Sell, etc. Send subscription request to gadi1960@gmail.com along with your name and email address.• Kehillat Moriah Synagogue Masorti / Conservative. 7 Horev Street, Ahuza, Haifa. Kabbalat Shabbat Egalitarian Services: winter 5 p.m. / summer 6 p.m. Light music until 15 minutes before Shabbat. Shabbat morning egalitarian services 9 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzva preparation; Noam Masorti Youth Group; ongoing adult educational programs. Contacts: Rabbi Dubi Hayun, 050-438-9802. www.moriahaifa.022.co.il. Office: (04) 825-1495, Orit. Office hours: Sun.-Thurs.8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wed. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.• Voices Israel Group of Poets in English meets 3rd or 4th Tuesday each month in Haifa Bring your own poems for discussion. Annual Anthology, workshops. For monthly newsletter or details, contact Susan (04) 838-1218 or Ezra (04) 982-8887 or e-mail: ezrabm@gmail.com • Haifa Chamber Choir – Tues. at 8 p.m. Cati (04) 633-1876• Quilt Exhibit – Illusions. O’Sheehan Gallery, the only gallery in Israel dedicated solely to the art of quilting. Moshav Bustan Hagalil, near Acre. Every Saturday 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Call ahead to schedule a weekday visit. No charge. Maureen Nachmani – 054-472-3176.• Do you enjoy performing? The Haifa English Theater is looking for new talent – both onstage and backstage. Call Bertha at 052-365- 6161 for more information.Self-Help• Haifa AA Group meets every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Call Jon at 052-379-0741 for more details.• The Western Galilee Serenity AA Group has begun meetings at Kehillat Emet VeShalom, 108 Weizmann Street, Nahariya. Meetings are every Tuesday, 7 p.m., in the back room of the synagogue. Contact: (052) 306- 7082.• Codependents Anonymous English meeting, every Wed evening at 6:10 p.m. at the Karmiel English Speakers’ club. Info: (04) 980-0329. No charge. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.• Karmiel: English meeting of Overeaters Anonymous, every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Karmiel English Speakers Club. For more information, call (04) 980-0329.• Emotions Anonymous – Safed chapter. Dan (04) 692-1092; 050-553-2890.• Emotions Anonymous in Pardess Hanna, evenings. Tina: (052) 640-2010
For Your Information: April 22 - 29
Join ESRA Karmiel on a trip to the Druse villages on the slopes of Mount Meron, including a walk of four to five kilometers.
• The English Speakers’ Club of Ashdod (ESCA) gets together on Fridays at the Zohara Restaurant in the Ashdod Bus Station from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Info: Anita, 054-465-1327, or Chana (08) 855-7116.• The Conservative Synagogue “Etz Haim” in Ashdod assembles on Fridays for Erev Shabbat devotional services (20 minutes before sundown) as well as on Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The Etz Haim Synagogue is located at Public Shelter No. 25 on Rehov Yitzhak Hanassi in Ashdod. Info: Refael David, (08) 864- 2482, or Anita Raymond, 054- 465-1327• Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung in the Ashdod area. Exercise for fun, balance, strength, energy. Wednesdays 9 a.m., 7 p.m. Classes in the park in good weather, sheltered area in rainy weather. Susan www.taichisusan.com; 054- 237-5512• Parkinsons Support Group Ashdod (and for surrounding areas) meets Wednesdays 4:30-7 at the Bet Avot Ashdod, entrance Harav Nissim 17, next to Ashdod police station. Infomation 08-8551051. Amutat Parkinson 077-418-1900; English (08) 858-1151.ASHKELON• Kehillat Netzach Israel (Masorti/Conservative Congregation) - Services: Fridays at 6:45pm and Saturdays at 9am - Bar/Bat Mitzva courses, Talmud/Torah classes, Adult Educational lectures, NOAM youth group, Pre-School Day Care Center and ongoing cultural activities. Rabbi Michael Even David; for info.call (08) 671- 1370/1 or e-mail: kehillat@zahav.net.il. Also see website: www.netzachisrael.org.il• Emotions Anonymous Ashkelon. Call Osnat (08) 673- 1258; or Moshe (08) 673-4086BEERSHEBA• Negev, Eilat, South e-mail list advice, events, what’s on, Eilat, Beersheba, Mitzpe, Arad and Ein Gedi. Festivals, theaters, concerts, find car rides, jobs available, jobs wanted, flat-hunting, business promos. www.groups.yahoo.com/group/NegevEilat.• Omer, Magen Avraham (Conservative) Congregation: Friday 6:30 p.m.; Saturday 8:30 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzva courses, adult study, after-school program. Rabbi Gil Nativ (08) 646- 0424; email efrat@magenav.org• The Flying Camels Ultimate Frisbee team would like to invite you to join them on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m.. Venue: the sports field next to Shomron St. in the Neot Lon neighborhood of Beersheba. For details, call Noam: 054-7739954 laskern@yahoo.com• Beersheba, Eshel Avraham (Masorti/Conservative) Congregation – Fri. 5:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. Torah classes (Hebrew, English, Russian and Spanish). Talmud classes, activities, bar/bat mitzva, Noam youth, kindergarten ages 1-6. Israeli folkdance. (08) 642-1424; (08) 642-0989.• Beersheba English speaking Seniors Social Club – Thursday 4-6 p.m.. (08) 642-2915; 627-2593.• Beersheba Hadassah meets the fourth Monday morning of each month, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon. Ganei Ye’elim, Shchuna Heh. Coffee, social, and always an interesting program/speaker. NIS 10. Info: Shirley, (08) 658-8262.• The AACI Southern Region Library at Matnas Yud-Alef in Beersheba has more than 6,000 volumes of fiction and non-fiction. Hours: Sun. through Wed. from 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Sun. Mon. and Wed. from 4 to 6 p.m.; and every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. 11 Mordechai Namir St. Info: (08) 643-3953.• Beersheba Singles Club (25-45), beersheva–singles @hotmail.com EILAT • Tagel Arava Masorti Community Eilat. Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. At former Allon School (in the caravans to rear of school). Please phone 050-579-3225 or (08) 633-4368 for more information.• Eilat English Speakers WIZO group meet at WIZO House, Jerusalem St. 10-12 a.m. Tuesdays. Winter Program incl. speakers (all welcome to submit request to speak on career, hobby etc.) Refreshments. NIS 10. Contact: Anne, (08) 633- 0323; Fay, (08) 637-2344.• ESRA’s unique Ethiopian embroidery products are on sale in Eilat. Kippot, mezuzot, hamsot embroidered on hand-towels; coasters, placemats; greeting and gift cards, all at reasonable prices. Proceeds go to the Ethiopian embroiderers. To view and purchase, call Fonda: (08) 633-2205.• Pregnancy support in Eilat – Birth preparation, active birth, yoga and relaxation. Support after birth: mother and baby, help with breastfeeding, baby massage, yoga and relaxation. Small groups. Tues. mornings. Alison (08) 633-5024; 052-835-1182.• Shirat Hayam Masorti/ Conservative Synagogue – Beit Wizo, Jerusalem St., Eilat. Fri at 6 p.m. Michelle, 050-421-1591.• Eilat – Kalooki players South African rules. Kaleen (08) 753-30705 or 050-529-1925 • Shira Hadasha (Masorati/ Conservative) in Arad – Friday (according to candle lighting time), most of the winter 4:30 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. Lior, 052- 545-3436. “What’s Up?” – An educational mobile observatory sets up our telescope every night on or near the promenade, showing passers-by the planets and the moon with detailed explanations and handout sheets. Info 052-535-2933; 054-481-9973.• Arts and crafts market – Locally made leather goods, jewelry, ceramics, paintings, etc. Fridays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Park Hayovel, near Imax. Artists and street performers welcome to join (upon committee approval). Billie, 054-584-1282; bilbi40@yahoo.com• Le Leche League Israel – Support for breastfeeding mothers. Monthly meetings throughout the country. 1-599-525-821• Scopus: The Center for Matchmaking in the Jewish World for singles age 20-45, across the observance spectrum. (02) 532-8435; us@scopus.org; Web site: www.scopus.orgHAIFA & NORTH • April 18-26: Pessah, Safed-style – Come celebrate the holiday at Ascent. Adults of all ages, married or single, college students and retirees. Lectures on mind and spirit; workshops; live soul music, hikes, meals and more. Info:Ascent at 1-800-30-40-70 or (04) 692-1364 x 0. seminars@ AscentOfSafed.com http://ascentofsafed.comOngoing Events• The Karmiel English Speakers’ Club is open every Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Library, tea and coffee, board games, or just chat. For confirmation of ocasional Saturday evening opening, 7 pm. till throwout time, phone Gwenn at (04) 998-1925. Location: below the hotel, opposite the main post office.• Two New ESRA Branches in the North, for English speaking activities, lectures and volunteering. For the Karmiel/Misgav area, please contact Frankie (04) 998-2871 or email esra.karm@gmail.com. For the Nahariya/Northern Coast areas, contact Tonielle 054-787-1452 or email north.coast.esra.@gmail.com• Kehillat Emet VeShalom Nahariya (Reform/Progressive Synagogue) – Kabbalat Shabbat Services on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. (winter time) (6:30 p.m. summer time) with Rabbi Israel Horowitz in Matnas Mifal Hapayis, Rehov Keren Hayesod, Nahariya. Bar/bat mitzva preparation, weddings, conversion, holiday and communal activities; study groups and courses. Information, call office at 108 Rehov Weizman, Nahariya Tel/Fax: (04) 992-9723; or email: EmeteShalom@ googlegroups.com; website: http://evsnewsletter.googlepages .com/home• HaMinyan HaMishpachti, Kfar Vradim. (Egalitarian, Masorti /Conservative Congregation) Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:15 p.m.; Shabbat Morning Services 9 a.m. at Eshkol Haganim “Gefen,” Kfar Vradim. Bar/Bat Mitzva preparation, HALOM after-school program for gan hova and elementary-school children; NEW Youth Group for teenagers, ongoing Adult Educational Programs. Contacts: Rabbi Zvi Berger, 052-475-3870; Galit Haim, 052-688-1083; Ofer David 052-379-3448.• AACI Library – English Language, 55 Shimshon St, corner Moriah St. Mon., Wed. 9 a.m.-12 a.m.; Tues. 3-5 p.m.. Rayla, 837-4744.• AACI is starting an Englishspeaking mothers and babies/toddlers group in Haifa. Casual chat, a place where your baby/toddler can play with others. Contact Rebecca, 052- 749-0227, or e-mail: ymusnikow@aaci.org.il.• An English-speaking singleparents group in Haifa. A social get-together sharing ups and downs of life in Israel. Interested? Contact: ymusnikow@aaci.org.il.• Gitit Choir, the veteran Haifabased a capella mixed choir, is looking for new singers. Rudimentary music reading helpful, Rehearsals: Tuesdays 7–10:30 p.m. at the Reali Elementary School in Ahuza. Call Yarden, 054-794-3333.• Carmel Choir (founded by Rhoda Keyson) a warm and friendly group, olim and vatikim, for amateurs and accomplished singers. Rehearsals Wednesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. at The Dunie Weizman Conservatory of Music. For information call Annette (04) 825-1984 or Eve (04) 834-5572, e-mail annette@technion.ac.il.• Hadera: Learn quilt making, for English speakers. Call Darlene at 050-724-9770.• The Safed English Library – a one-of-a-kind lending library serving readers throughout Israel. Includes best-sellers, classics, health, magazines, nature, travel, Judaism, audio-books, DVDs and more. Extensive children’s library. We welcome good condition and unique books. Open Sundays (9-11:30 a.m.), Mondays (7-9 p.m.), Tuesdays (2-4:30 p.m.), Fridays (9-11 a.m.). (04) 692-1592. E-mail: edyth@kinneret.co.il• Valleys – Amakim notice board. Join the e-mail network for residents of Jezreel Valley, Beit She’an Valley, Jordan Valley, Nazareth, Migdal Ha’emek, Afula, Beit She’an, kibbutzim, Kinneret region. You may post Events, Offers, Advice, Personals, Services, Buy, Swap, Sell, etc. Send subscription request to gadi1960@gmail.com along with your name and email address.• Kehillat Moriah Synagogue Masorti / Conservative. 7 Horev Street, Ahuza, Haifa. Kabbalat Shabbat Egalitarian Services: winter 5 p.m. / summer 6 p.m. Light music until 15 minutes before Shabbat. Shabbat morning egalitarian services 9 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzva preparation; Noam Masorti Youth Group; ongoing adult educational programs. Contacts: Rabbi Dubi Hayun, 050-438-9802. www.moriahaifa.022.co.il. Office: (04) 825-1495, Orit. Office hours: Sun.-Thurs.8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wed. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.• Voices Israel Group of Poets in English meets 3rd or 4th Tuesday each month in Haifa Bring your own poems for discussion. Annual Anthology, workshops. For monthly newsletter or details, contact Susan (04) 838-1218 or Ezra (04) 982-8887 or e-mail: ezrabm@gmail.com • Haifa Chamber Choir – Tues. at 8 p.m. Cati (04) 633-1876• Quilt Exhibit – Illusions. O’Sheehan Gallery, the only gallery in Israel dedicated solely to the art of quilting. Moshav Bustan Hagalil, near Acre. Every Saturday 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Call ahead to schedule a weekday visit. No charge. Maureen Nachmani – 054-472-3176.• Do you enjoy performing? The Haifa English Theater is looking for new talent – both onstage and backstage. Call Bertha at 052-365- 6161 for more information.Self-Help• Haifa AA Group meets every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Call Jon at 052-379-0741 for more details.• The Western Galilee Serenity AA Group has begun meetings at Kehillat Emet VeShalom, 108 Weizmann Street, Nahariya. Meetings are every Tuesday, 7 p.m., in the back room of the synagogue. Contact: (052) 306- 7082.• Codependents Anonymous English meeting, every Wed evening at 6:10 p.m. at the Karmiel English Speakers’ club. Info: (04) 980-0329. No charge. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.• Karmiel: English meeting of Overeaters Anonymous, every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Karmiel English Speakers Club. For more information, call (04) 980-0329.• Emotions Anonymous – Safed chapter. Dan (04) 692-1092; 050-553-2890.• Emotions Anonymous in Pardess Hanna, evenings. Tina: (052) 640-2010