Fisherman catches shark off coast of Caesarea

The fisherman took the shark back to Daliat al-Carmel and placed it on display, where hundreds of residents came to see the unusual spectacle.

foxshark88 (photo credit: )
(photo credit: )
A fisherman from Daliat al-Carmel caught a 2.2-meter, 84 kg fox shark off the coast of Caesarea over the weekend, reports The fisherman, who was at his usual weekend fishing spot on the beach just south of Caesarea, said he had seen a school of fish fleeing through the water and had decided to bait a line with a live fish to see what was threatening them. To his surprise, he hooked the large fox shark, also known as a thresher shark, a type of shark that has a long, thin tail which it uses to stun its prey, usually small fish. Thresher sharks are found all over the world and are not considered particularly dangerous to humans, although their powerful tails can break human bones. The report said the triumphant fisherman took the shark back to Daliat al-Carmel and placed it on display there, where hundreds of local residents came to see the unusual spectacle.