A district court judge has made the ruling that parking inspectors must wait at least 10 minutes before issuing fines to cars parked in loading zones.
New hope has been given to those who pray not to receive a parking fine when they park in a loading zone while popping into the bank or post office. A district court judge has made the unprecedented ruling that parking inspectors must wait at least 10 minutes before issuing fines to cars parked in loading zones, reports www.local.co.il. Judge Michal Agamon said the purpose of loading zones was utterly defeated if inspectors issued fines as soon as they saw an unattended vehicle there, and that they had to wait at least 10 minutes before issuing any fine. She further added that inspectors should write on any fine how long they had waited before issuing it.
According to the report, the decision has already prompted at least one Kfar Saba man to appeal to the city to cancel several parking fines he received in loading zones. The man said the fines he had received did not state how long the inspectors had waited, and the city was obliged to abide by the judge's ruling.
A municipal spokesman said the city was considering the man's case and had not yet made any decision, but in any event local inspectors always waited the requisite amount of time before issuing fines, and also made efforts to find the owners of offending vehicles before issuing fines.