Star Catcher Astrology for the week of August 22, 2014
TIP FOR THE WEEK: You may discover yourself mulling over serious matters this week rather than dwelling on inconsequential thoughts that flit through your mind.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEA spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope(photo credit: REUTERS)SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Although you continue working hard, business is rather slow lately and rather than push yourself, take a little time off to be with family and close friends. As the weeks progress you will be happy to note that things are beginning to return to normal and you are once again back in control. A conversation with an earth sign will help you see things in a much different light. Take your time and pay close attention. The information you glean now will stand you in good stead for a long time.HINT: when interacting with a Fire sign, remember that this person is generous of spirit but only up to a certain point and it will be up to you not to cross that line.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21 Your intuition is high and you instinctively know just how to deal with the people you come into contact at work this week. Not everyone is solidly on your side but within a week or two you will be amazed to note just how many of your colleagues turn to you for advice and guidance. Money and financial matters are never far from your mind, but for the time being you are doing all you can, so be kind to yourself and trust the process.HINT: Frustrations you have experienced over the past few weeks are about to disappear, leaving you stronger and more capable than ever before.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 Your good nature and kind heart have helped many along the way, but none more than the people you have been spending your time with over the past few weeks. Your gentleness and understanding have been as a balm and will carry them over the rough spots for some time to come. Financially, you may have overextended yourself lately, but not to worry, things are picking up and money you have been waiting for is about to appear.HINT: Take some time off during the latter portion of this week to deal with some of the paperwork that has been accumulating on your desk. And, double check what you are throwing away as an important document or letter may have fallen in with the trash.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! This is definitely your week to roll up your sleeves and get things done! You are absolutely ready to put some of your ideas into action and by the end of this week should have the beginnings of a dependable working group on board. Financially things are not as simple as you would wish, but here too you are not only aware of your situation but pretty much in control. When speaking with your partner and/or mate don’t forget to share your ideas as well as your plans.HINT: Problems from the past are easing up and you can begin to relax.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You continue gathering followers as you speak up and make sure your word is heard. This week you may need to take a little more time gathering information in order to double check that you have weeded out the mistakes. As more and more people turn to you you are awed by the reaction you receive as well as honored by the level of professionalism of those who are in contact with you. Your mantra this week must be ‘patience’ as things may be moving a little slower than you had anticipated.
HINT: Monday and Tuesday are perfect days for working in close alliance with your partner and/or mate.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 You have been busy with family and close friends and this is the week for putting up boundaries and setting some spare time aside just for you! Health issues concerning an elderly member of your family have been consuming a lot of your time but here too things seem to be calmer, so find a quiet corner and enjoy some time relaxing and doing things which bring you personal pleasure. Financially you may not have as much cash as you would like, but the situation is far better than it was, so relax.HINT: This is a good week to sign up for a course or two which you have been interested in for a long time.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 For the past few weeks you have been busy studying and spending time with co-workers and colleagues gathering information and getting ready for the next stage of your professional career. The time is not yet right for making any moves but you know that and are willing to move slowly in pursuit of your goals. This week is also a good time for meeting family members who you have not seen in weeks. The time you spend in each other’s company will solidify an already strong relationship.HINT: Setbacks or delays you have been experiencing are not nearly as problematic or irritating as they were.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 All your hard work is not only beginning to pay off but you are now in a much stronger and important position at work. Both your co-workers as well as your employers are aware of your great ability as well as your willingness to share and contribute both as an individual and as a member of the team. The last few days of this week are perfect for hosting a small dinner party at home.Your only difficulty will be cutting the list short as everyone wants to be invited.HINT: Financially you continue to not only cut back on your expenses but are able to set some money aside for your future.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Be kind to yourself. Although you wish to begin a diet or exercise program, this may not be the best week to begin. You will slowly get back into shape as, once again, you establish a good working schedule. When dealing with an earth sign, try to remember that this person means well although they do speak as if they know everything and everyone should do as they say. Matters at home begin to settle down and this is a perfect time to relax and catch up on some much needed rest.HINT: Money and finances are on your mind, but don’t worry all is under control.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 Pay attention to money and finances before making any more important commitments.You have things under control and if you are careful will even discover that you have enough to start saving for another trip next year. No one and nothing is more important than your family and this week you will have the chance to bring them happiness and joy. Just being together brings you peace. As the weeks progress you, will be able to work on a project which is important to you not only personally but professionally.HINT: Be patient with your partner and/or mate. This person simply finds it difficult right now to express their feelings verbally.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 You continue to press forward on a project or two and then pull back as you realize that either something is missing or that you wish to expand your vision. This stop and start motion is making it very difficult and complicated for the people who work with you and if you don’t do something to smooth things out you may discover that either one or two of your team may not be interested in continuing.HINT: By the middle portion of this week, take a moment for a serious conversation with an older member of your family. This person is one hundred per cent on your side and has good advice to offer.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 Take some time off this weekend, to catch up on some much needed rest.Over the past few weeks you have been extremely busy professionally as well as socially and now is a good time to recharge.A conversation with a family member will bring a smile to your heart as you both take a short walk down memory lane. Your financial situation is well under control and if there is something you really want, be a sport and pamper yourself.HINT: An old friend from your past is interested in renewing the relationship but it will be up to you to decide if that is •