TIP FOR THE WEEK: Breakdown in communication could cause a few uncomfortable moments, but will soon pass.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEAQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18 This is the week for picking up the pieces and putting any old doubts to rest. Past insecurities need looking at, dealing with and then move on.You are in a much better place today than you were even two months ago, so stand tall, be proud and enjoy the ride. Professionally you will be working overtime for the next couple of months but when things finally do ease up you will have established an excellent rapport with the people who count and the experience will stand you in good stead for years to come.HINT: The first few days of this week are perfect for working around the house.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 You have been feeling rather frustrated lately as if all your hard work is for naught. It seems as though for every two steps you move ahead, you are being pushed back at least one step and the lack of progress may cause you to be short tempered. Before taking your anger out on others, take a deep breath, calm down and rethink your strategy. You know what you wish to accomplish and what you need to do in order to attain your goals…you simply have to accept the fact that you do not have as much control as you would like right now.HINT: A little space between yourself and your partner and/or mate is advised over the weekend.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 In order to see the big picture, you need to take a long step back and stand quietly and watch everything unfold. The less you are involved right now, and the less you voice your opinion, the better. In the weeks to come you will find the missing piece of the puzzle and that is when you can make your move. Family living far away is anxious to renew contact and it will be up to you to decide just how much you really wish to be involved.HINT: Take your time where money and finances are concerned.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 This is the week for taking a good, long look at your relationship with your partner and/or mate. You now have the chance to mend fences, build bridges and create a stronger relationship. Take time to double-check important documents and to examine things you thought were done. A few extra moments of caution will prevent hours of aggravation along the way. The sooner you can counter-balance your working hours with time spent relaxing and socializing the faster you will realize just how happy you really are. Enjoy yourself…you earned every moment.HINT: Unexpected expenses may put a dent in your wallet, but it can’t be helped.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 Although you continue working long, hard hours, this is the week for taking a step back and socializing. You are exhausted from the pressure and responsibility of your job and need to relax both physically and emotionally. The people you have allowed into your inner circle are good, reliable and trustworthy friends. This week you will have the opportunity to do something special for someone you really care about.HINT: Take a few minutes to connect with a sibling. Together you are an amazing duo.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21 Sudden changes to your schedule and unexpected mixups will play havoc with your plans, and the more flexible you are the better. When dealing with a client or colleague, pay attention to what is not being said, rather than dwell and what you hear. A lot is going on behind the scenes and the farther away you are from the office gossip the less complicated your life will be in the weeks to come.HINT: This is a good time for taking a long hard look at the things which are important to you personally.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23 A lot is going on in your life right now and it will be up to you to stay as focused and organized as possible. Take good notes and wherever possible refrain from relying solely on your memory. A breakdown in communication between yourself and a water sign is expected as your lines of vision are much different. Be patient but stand firm. When dealing with your partner and/or mate remember that your own needs are just as important as theirs and that nothing bad will happen if you say ‘no’!HINT: Think twice before speaking and now is a good time to backup your computer.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22 – JULY 22 This is the week for re-evaluating your schedule and for making the adjustments necessary in order that you have some quiet space for yourself. Enough excuses! The time has come for you to take back control of your creative side and make your ideas more than just a dream.Financially things are improving and by the end of this month you can begin to seriously consider making a few major purchases.HINT: People living far away are close to your heart and although you are not seriously considering travelling at this time, you can however begin putting some money aside for a ticket.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 This week you will have the opportunity to make some changes in your lifestyle or in your living arrangements which have been on your mind for a long time. The time has definitely come whereby you have to take control of your life and put things into perspective.Reaching out to help the people you love has its merits but enough is enough. Time to stop tuning your instrument and for playing your song!HINT: Once you have focused your creative energy you will be amazed at just how much fun you are having and how quickly everything falls into its rightful place.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22 You will be spending a little more money right now than usual and rather than get upset and angry, you have to realize that things do break or get lost and nothing last forever.But, this is not really a good week for making any unusual and expensive purchases. It is however a perfect time for gathering information and for doing some important comparative shopping. You are very close to some members of your family and this is the week for inviting them over for a light impromptu meal.HINT: Be patient with your partner and/or mate. They need a little more time and space.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20Between your professional responsibilities and your personal commitments, you have precious little time left over for yourself. Rather than dwell on what you haven’t done, take a good, long look at all you have accomplished. Then, relax and make the few changes you need in order to clear some personal space for yourself where you can work and create.HINT: This is also a good week for inquiring into a course or two which has been on your mind for some time. The information you glean and the new people you meet, will make the effort very worthwhile.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 Your energy is diverted from personal matters to financial ones as you begin to take stock of your situation. Pay close attention to details and wherever possible make precise notes. In the weeks to come the pressure will being to ease up, but for the time being you need to keep on your toes. This week you will have the opportunity to correct a mistake and/or close the book on a problem from your past. Then, clear the slate, dust yourself off and move forward.HINT: Since you are really exhausted from juggling so many balls, just let a few drop and walk away.