By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEastrology(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20After travelling weeks along a very bumpy road, all your hard work is about to pay off as you are becoming master of your own fate. Your good name and reputation precedes you and the contacts you make now will stand you in good stead over the weeks to come.Once again, your family will serve as a source of financial and moral support if and when that might become necessary. For the time being, you are doing just fine on your own.HINT: It may be difficult to honestly see a friend for what he is, so bide your time before sharing ideas and/or personal information.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21You take pleasure in the things you do, and this is the time for arranging important meetings concerning future projects you are interested in. Rather than relying solely on your memory, you will be much better served if you begin taking precise notes filled with questions you need finding answers to. Your relationship with a parent may be rather intense this week and this is definitely not the best time for opening up a discussion which touches on sensitive issues from your past.HINT: Interruptions in your plans expected on Wednesday and Thursday, so be prepared.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 Money and finances will continue to be a source of concern until you learn how to cut your expenses and pull back from unnecessary spending.As the week progresses you will be able to readjust your schedule which will allow you the space you need in order to get some important work done. Your relationship with a sibling has taken on a new dimension as a family problem demands your special touch. Soon the situation will relax but change is in the air.HINT: This weekend is a good time for enjoying the company of your partner and/or mate as together you make a formidable team.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22You continue to spend a great deal of time and energy dealing with personal matters, and for the most part you have felt frustrated thinking that all your energy has been wasted treading water. The truth is you have actually accomplished a great deal. If you wish to have your meeting with an air sign be productive and pleasant, be as flexible as possible.As the day progresses you will discover that your differences are few and can easily be worked out.HINT: Before committing yourself to any further expenses, meet with your financial advisor and heed his advice.LIBRA (AIR)SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23You may feel as if the weight of the world is sitting squarely on your two shoulders but as you begin to make a few changes in your life you will be surprised to see just how much better you feel. Sometimes you simply have to put your own needs ahead of those around you.Financially, things are still far from ideal, yet much better than they were, so keep thinking positively and believe in yourself.HINT: No sense wasting time and energy being angry at what could have been.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21Time to let go of negative thoughts you have been carrying around from your past. Learn from your mistakes and move on! This is a perfect week for arranging important meetings and putting some of your plans into action. You have wonderful ideas and people are prone to listen carefully to what you have to say.HINT: Your relationship with a sibling is the envy of your friends, and even though you have had your ups and downs you still stand firmly together guarding each other’s back.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE)NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21Finally things are moving in the right direction, and after weeks of indecision, you are back in control. Take your time and think things through carefully. Many people are depending on you and rest assured there is no one better than you for the job.Financially, you need to take stock of your situation and make a few minor adjustments in order to stay within a workable budget.HINT: Chose your friends carefully, and your colleagues wisely.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19As you continue to weigh your options, you will be happy to see that there is a plan and you are definitely on the right path. Although not everyone close to you understands your thinking, they are, however, ready to stand by you and offer assistance if and when it is needed. Your relationship with a sibling has never been better and this is the perfect time for enjoying each other’s company.HINT: Wednesday and Thursday are good days for getting work done at home. You need the quiet time to unwind and relax.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18Although things have not gone according to your original plan, you are more than ready to move on.Evidently this was not the best road for you to take and something better is waiting just around the corner. You have so much to offer and soon will be settled into a situation that not only suits you but feels comfortable and good. Friendships don’t always last a lifetime and soon you will have to make a decision concerning a long-lasting relationship that may have run its course.HINT: Conversations with a family member will help you to organize your thoughts and to put everything into perspective.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20You are feeling a lot more optimistic these days and soon will be ready to move on with some plans you have been formulating for months.Not a person who simply jumps into things, you have been working out the details for a very long time and when you finally do decide to make your move, you will be ready.Financially things are improving and you can start relaxing where money is concerned.HINT: Education is always important to you and this is the week to get information on a course or two you are interested in.