For Your Information

Israel Genealogical Society, Ra’anana Branch. Guest speaker Michael Goldstein on “Breaking through Genealogical Brick Walls.”

At Face Value 250 (photo credit: MCT)
At Face Value 250
(photo credit: MCT)
Submissions for FYI should be typed or written clearly in English and include the name of the sponsoring organization, event type, date, time, location, cost, and a contact telephone number.

Deadline for all FYI items and promotional materials – including photos – is 8 p.m. Thursday, the week before (eight days before the item is expected to appear in FYI).

Please update details for all Ongoing Activities. E-mail: Metro can no longer accept faxed submissions.
Community Events
• June 14: FPF luncheon. Speakers: Bob Maharam with his personal trainer, Itai Azula. Rather than using and paying for a gym, both have been working out together weekly for the past several years. They will show you how simple exercise routines can maintain your weight, muscles and balance. At 1 p.m. at the King Solomon Hotel, Netanya. NIS 65; non members NIS 80. Reservations requested: Anne (09) 862-2243 or
• June 14: Emunah, final meeting of the year with guest speaker Yudit Weil on “The Evil Eye & Other Ills” – the roots and explanations of folk beliefs. At 3:30 p.m. at the New Synagogue Social Hall, MacDonald St., Netanya. Info: Doreen (09) 862- 8984; Linda (09) 887-3569
• June 14: B.I.C.A. Season closing function -- High Tea, with speaker Col. David "Migdal" Tepperson: “A life in Zahal, from the War of Independence to the present.” At 4p.m. at Bet Israel Masorti, 19 Yehuda Hanassi, Netanya. NIS 40. To reserve: (09) 862-4345
• June 14: Israel Genealogical Society, Ra’anana Branch. Guest speaker Michael Goldstein on “Breaking through Genealogical Brick Walls.” Glean some helpful tips for your research. At 7:15 p.m. Beit Fisher, 5 Klausner St, Ra’anana. NIS 20 non-members; free for IGS members. Info:
Upcoming Events
Unless otherwise noted, AACI Netanya events take place at 28 Shmuel Hanatziv St., Netanya. Details and/or reservations (09) 833-0950, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

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• June 12: Art Exhibition: “Portraits: The Rendering of a likeness, not necessarily in the traditional manner.” At 8 p.m.
• June 15: AACI Cinema Club presented by Irma Goodman of Beit Herut, who will select films on DVD not usually shown on the big screen, with time allotted for discussion. At 9:30 a.m.
• June 16: AACI Historical Lecture “Of Guns and Mules” by D.Lawrence-Young. At 10:30 a.m.
• June 19: AACI “Coffee and…Kidney Donor” With Marcia Rapp. Members NIS 10; nonmembers NIS 15. At 10:30 a.m.
• June 20: Volunteer program. 4 – 6 p.m.
• June 22: AACI & The Jewish Heritage Center at Netanya Academic College present a full day program of lectures in English, lunch & refreshments: "The Worldwide Awakening of the Descendants of the Secret Jews (Anusim)." From 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Transportation to the college by regular sherut (Shai-li #22) is NIS 5.50 each way. Preregistration and pre-payment essential. NIS 100.
• June 23: Teachers without Borders • June 30: Storytelling with Teddy. Members NIS 10; nonmembers NIS 15.
• June 12: "Coffee and... "Where's My Miracle?" Morey Schwartz will speak about his recent book, which explores Jewish traditions for dealing with tragedy. 10.30 a.m. Members NIS 10; non-members NIS 15.
AACI Ongoing Events:
• Sunday: Exercises for women with Orly Sasson. 8:45-9:30 a.m.
• Sunday afternoon Hebrew Literature class (call for details) • Monday: Art with Gypsy Ron. 9.30-12 noon • Monday: Hebrew Conversation with Atara Hadad. 9.30 a.m.- 12.30 p.m.
• Monday: Conditioning Exercises for Women with Irene Burg. 6:15 -7:15 p.m.
• Monday & Thursday: 12-1 p.m. Municipal Affairs at 2 Solomon St. (Moshe Shamir) • Tuesday: Art with Gypsy Ron. 9:30-12 noon
• Tuesday : Meet the Lawyer. 9:30-11:30 a.m.
• Tuesday: Translations of documents and reports. 9:30-11:30 a.m.
• Wednesday: Netanya Philatelic Association 2-4 p.m.
• Wednesday: Diet, Healthy Eating & Living Group 9-10 a.m.
• Wednesday: Travel Day with Sharon Bergman 9 a.m. -12 noon • Thursday: Caregivers Support Group. 10-11 a.m.
• ESRA provides regular updates about its events, support groups, volunteering and activities. Let us keep you up-to-date. E-mail Ingrid at, with your name and e-mail address.
• ESRA’s professionally trained counselors offer confidential help with loss, transitions and life challenges. One-to-one/ telephone/ group support. Counseling is free and is open to all. Contact Susan: Email or 052-698- 9088; ESRA office (09) 748-2957.
• June 12: ESRA in Tel Aviv welcomes Bracha Weingrod to talk about the world of our mothers (or grandmothers) as described in the Yiddish Family Cookbook. Beit Ariela Public Library, 25 Shaul Hamelech Blvd.10 a.m. Refreshments 10 a.m., lecture 10:30. NIS 35; ESRAcards NIS 30. To reserve: (09) 748-2957.
• June 13: ESRA Olim Coffee Group. Carol Smith will talk about "The History of Quilting" and show some of her wonderful quilts. All new olim welcome, and light refreshments will be served. At 3 p.m. Info and to confirm attendance, call Linda 054-780-5290 or Jennifer 052- 434-1284.
• June 15: ESRA Midweek hike. Starts close to Nebi Musa, down near the bridge to the stream and in a canyon to the section where there is a small cliff with a ladder and finish point near Kibbutz Almog. NIS 150; ESRAcards NIS 130. To reserve: (09) 748-2957.
• June 19: ESRA Kfar Saba OPEN HOUSE welcomes Dr Norma Franklin from the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, who will talk on “The Crowfoot Women.” Their story goes starts before World War I in England, and goes to the Sudan, Jerusalem, Samaria, and back to England. At 10 a.m. in the miklat at 11 Nachshon St, Kfar Saba. NIS NIS 15. Refreshments will be served. Info: Jean (09)766-9223
• June 22: ESRA invites you to be in the know: “Your Guide to Using Facebook.” Join us on a virtual tour under the guidance of Kelli Brown, owner, expert and lead consultant at Pixel/Point Press, on how to use Facebook. At 7 p.m. at Yad Lebanim, Ra’anana. NIS 50; ESRAcards; NIS 40. To reserve: (09) 748-2957 Ongoing Events
• ESRAvision – The TV program for English speakers in Israel: This month’s magazine: Israel’s First Arab Woman Plastic Surgeon; Agricultural Technology in Israel; The Daniel Rowing Centre Gvahim – helping immigrants realize their professional aspirations; Sentimental Journey – Guild Theatre performance; Your Health Matters: Allergies – Spring. Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. and Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. Find us on HOT and YES digital channels 98 (or HOT analog 25) and on METV alternate Thursdays at 3 p.m. You can also see selected items on Youtube ravision
• ESRA’s Adult ADD/ADHD support group can help inform, teach and coach adults with symptoms of the disorder. Contact us at: or go to
• ESRA’s Secondhand English Bookshop in Ra’anana has 1000s of English books in every category & a huge selection of kids’ books from tots to teens (suitable for school libraries), all at giveaway prices. Suitable for bookclubs to take on sale/return. Book tokens. Open every day incl Friday 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 5 Rehov Klausner (cnr Ahuza/Café Aroma), Ra’anana. Office (Sun- Thurs) (09) 748-0541.
• We are urgently looking for men and women to befriend housebound and lonely people in the Netanya, Ra’anana and Herzliya. Call Glenis (054) 773- 4392 or e-mail
• ESRA pre-schoolers Parents Group, led by child psychologist Dr. Ornit Freudenstein, where parents can share their experience and concerns about parenting pre-school children. Mondays 8 p.m. To register call Judy, (09) 748-2957, mornings only.
• ESRA folk dancing and line dancing on Thursday mornings at Beit Fisher, 5 Rehov Klausner, Ra’anana. 10-11:30 a.m. Beginners and Intermediate with Roni. ESRAcards: NIS 30; others NIS 35. (09) 748-2957.
• ESRA Duplicate Bridge Club meets at 8 p.m. every Monday in Ra’anana at Beit Fisher, 5 Klausner St. Info: Michael Belkin, 052-240- 1383. NIS 25 per session.
• Volunteers required in Ramat Hasharon – English for Schools, where English speakers chat to high-school pupils in preparation for their exams. Ingrid (09) 950- 8371.
• Volunteers required in Herzliya – English for Schools. English speakers chat to high-school pupils in preparation for their exams. Marise (09) 957-1170 • ESRA’s Community Cookbooks, Table Manna, Soups & Salads and Meatless Meals are on sale. NIS 50 plus postage. (09) 749- 2957 or (09) 950-8371.
• An online Internet group is starting to bring non-Hebrew speakers together to help new olim adjust to life in Israel through networking, advice and having someone listen. It is also an effort to join all non-Hebrew speakers into one forum. People interested in really helping one another, e-mail
• If you are Jewish and don’t have any problems proving you are Jewish but are having problems with the Interior Ministry not accepting official documents from your host country, contact us at
Ongoing Events
• Jazz Appreciation Society. Informal social group meets in homes in Sharon area.... Talks, listening to music, some eating and drinking. Visits jazz venues in and around Tel Aviv. Michael 0523-260-537
• The Conservative Movement will help establish a shul in Rishon West if at least a dozen people show interest in this project. Contact to learn more.
• Life’s Door – Tishkofet HaSharon, for people and family members living with illness (Beit Yad Sarah – Ra’anana). Mondays: Guided imagery 11 a.m.-12:15; Expressive Art 12:15-1:30. Wednesday: Gigong 1:15 -2:15 p.m. Advance registration required. Info: or Sharon 054 665-6005.
• Life’s Door – Tishkofet HaSharon: Photography with Sarah Raanan (in English) – “Explore the beauty of life” in this 5-session workshop. Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon.
• Life’s Door – Tishkofet HaSharon: Volunteer training program (in English) on June 12 at 9:30 a.m. to noon. Venue in Ra’anana to be arranged. Sessions will be run by a staff of professionals. Life’s Door – Tishkofet (a non-profit organization) has changed the way thousands of people have experienced the journey of illness. Through our unique programs, patients, family members and professionals have learned the skills to see opportunities for growth and greater fulfillment in life. Advance registration required. Info: Anna Whitefield: 052 608-9601.
• Bet Israel Masorti Congregation: 19 Yehuda Hanassi St. , Netanya: Religious Services Daily & Shabbat Service begins 10 minutes after candle-lighting in Netanya (wintertime) and at 6 p.m. during summertime. Office: (09) 862- 4345 Sun.-Thu. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
• Monday at Bet Israel, 19 Yehuda Hanassi, Netanya: Duplicate Bridge, 9:15 a.m. and on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. NIS 25 incl. refreshments. Info: Judy (052-833-0488).
• Sunday and Thursday at Bet Israel: Israeli Folk-dancing at 8 p.m., with Israel Amrani, in airconditioned hall. Incl. refreshments NIS 25. Tel: (09) 862- 4345.
• Wednesday: Bet Israel, 19 Yehuda Hanassi, Netanya: Women only Israeli folk dancing at 9 a.m., with Hagar Leventhal, in air-conditioned hall. Incl. refreshments NIS 25. (09) 862- 4345.
• Sunday to Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Henry Koor Library General Judaica Collection. Also English Torah tapes, plus video and music tapes all available on loan. Public invited. New Synagogue, 7 MacDonald St., Netanya.
• Sunday 8 p.m., Thursday 7:30 p.m. Beit Israel. Israeli dancing, including refreshments. NIS 25. Sara (09) 862-4345.
• Sun 9–11 a.m.; Mon 10 a.m.- 12 noon; Tues 2-4 p.m.; Wed 10 a.m.-12 noon; Thurs 10 a.m.-12 noon. English Speaking Municipal Volunteer Group at 4 Stampfer Street, 1st floor. Call first to check if there is a volunteer present.
• Monday She’arim Noon Concert. 11, Kikar Atzmaut Passage, next to Bank Hapoalim, first floor. NIS 25. Doors open 11 a.m. (884-0534).
• Monday. New Synagogue 7:30 a.m. Parshat Hashavua in English given by Dr. Yaakov Ulando.
• Monday 7 p.m. Natan-ya Congregation Bible Class with Jordan Helfman. NIS.15. (077- 422-5272; 054-998-0032) • Monday 9:15 a.m. & Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Hadassah Hadar & Beit Israel. Duplicate Bridge at Beit Israel. NIS 25. Refreshments (Judy, 052-833-0488).
• Monday & Wednesday. 10 a.m. Laniado Ten Pin Bowling at the New Netanya Industrial Estate. Details Edith, (09) 861- 6187.
• Tuesday. New Synagogue. Weekly study with Rabbi Katz. Details Felix (09) 862-2765.
• Wednesday 9 a.m. Bet Israel Women Only Israeli Folk-dancing with Hagar Leventhal in air-conditioned Hall, incl. refreshments. NIS 25. 862- 4345 Self-Help • Alcoholics Anonymous English meeting in Ra’anana. Info: For Johnny 054-931-8427 • Alanon/Naranon meetings for relatives and friends of alcholics and substance abusers. In Ra’anana Tuesday evenings at 7:30. Info: (052) 614-9035 or (09) 746-2008.
• Alanon/Naranon meetings for relatives and friends of alcoholics and substance abusers. In Netanya Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Info: (052) 479-8285 or (09) 832-1574.
• Ra’anana: Overeaters Anonymous meetings in English. Monday mornings, 10:30-11:30, Rehov Har Sinai. For specific address details: Allyson (052) 655-9076.
• Alzheimer’s English speakers support group meets every month. Info: Paula 077-324- 0639.
Other Activities
• Services at Kehilat Yonaton, a Reform synagogue in Hod Hasharon. Designed for children ages 3-10 and their families with Shabbat songs, Torah story and prayers, followed by a kiddush. Last Friday of each month 6 p.m. 1, Rehov Aliyat Hanoar, campus of Mosenson High School, Hod Hasharon. Details: 052-446- 2112 or (09) 746-3447.
• American C&W Line Dancing – Step-In Line™. Absolute Beginners 8-8:30 p.m. Learn basic steps and very easy dances. Continuing with Beginners & Advanced, learning new dances 8:30-9:30 p.m. (approx). Everyone dancing old favorites 9:30-10 p.m. NIS 30, payable on entrance. Kfar Vitkin, 10 mins. north of Netanya. Info: , 052-545-7713
• The “Hebrew Order of David International” is recruiting Jewish gentlemen. We have Lodges in Ra’anana, Netanya and Jerusalem. If you like friendship, fellowship, social activities, formal meetings and charitable work, we want you! Michael: (09) 749-3293 or 050-594-6121 (not Shabbat).
• Kehilat Torat Hayim: The Masorti (Conservative) Congregation of Herzliya. Spiritual leader: Rav Ary Glikin. Merkaz Yom la-Kashish, Shammai 8, Herzliya. Friday evening service 6:30 p.m. in summer. Shabbat and holiday services 8:45 a.m. Shabbat morning, after the service, members invite the congregation to kiddush. Weekly newsletter (in English and Hebrew): Hamevasser: mevasser.htm.
Activities: Preparation for bar and bat mitzva celebrations. Info: Rav Glikin 052-736-6386; special monthly youth Shabbatot; activities for children and youth; special holiday events; active participation on kehila committees; study groups: Mishna: Mondays at 7 p.m. in Bet Yom LeKashish. Alternate Sunday evenings, 8:30 p.m., Pirkei Avot group at the Nof Yam Matnas
• Every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. – certified instructor Jessica Cohen teaches horses and ponies and their riders show jumping. Shaded picnic tables for visitors, free. 5 Pardes Meshutaf St., Ra’anana. Phone 052-598-7789
• Mountainbiking Group – Cyclenix – A social biking group that rides every Saturday. Also weekly midweek night rides. All levels of riders welcome. Free. 050-942-2788 or
• Weight Watchers group for English speakers, Wednesday mornings at 9 at the Mishkan, 2 Hapalmah Street, Ra’anana. All discussions and materials in English. Info: Yehudit Levine, 050-647-7395 (after 7 p.m.)
• Anglo business networking group provides a forum for English-speaking businessmen in Israel to discuss and share their problems and air their new ideas. Meets once a month alternately in Tel Aviv and Ra’anana. Info:
• provides free job postings in English for those seeking odd jobs, and temporary, seasonal, work at home, overseas, and foreign-language positions. Submit your postings or answer job leads free of charge.
• The Yad Yaakov center for Jewish education is hosting a lecture series in English: Mondays at 9:30 a.m. – “Shivat Zion in the Eyes of Ezra and Nehemiah” with Rabbi Don Peterman; Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. – Jeremiah and the Destruction of the Temple, both at 4 Kahan St., Kfar Saba. Fridays at 10 a.m. – “Footsteps through the Bible, discovering the Unfolding Redemptive History of Israel” with Rabbi Leibowitz at Ohel Moshe Synagogue, Herzliya Pituah. Info (09) 745-4126.
• Koleynu Choir meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Beit Issie Shapiro, Issie Shapiro St. in Ra’anana. Men and women of all ages are welcome to join this mixed voice choir. Repertoire includes popular and traditional Western and Israeli music, vocal jazz, Broadway show tunes, gospel, light classics and more. Reading music is not required, just the ability to sing in tune and match pitches – and a commitment to learning your songs. Info: Sharon 050-314-5255 or Patrick 054- 660-7464.
• Klabberjas – Kfar Saba – weekly card game. Michael (09) 749-3293/(050) 594-6121.