Activist sets sail to protect Gaza fishermen from IDF

International Solidarity Movement organizes ship to embark from Gaza to record potential IDF "attacks" on fishermen.

A small boat with foreign and Gazan passengers sailed from Gaza Wednesday purporting to be "accompanying Palestinian fishermen to ensure the navy does not attack or abuse them."
The vessel, Oliva, was organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) organization of which Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni, who was killed in Gaza earlier this month, was a member.
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One ISM member on the ship told Israeli media that passengers intended to record any potential IDF "attacks" on fishermen in the Mediterranean, as well as any "human rights violations."
Organization members told Israeli media that the project has been planned for a long time despite its announcement only today to the press.
The project was created also in order to ensure that Gazan fishermen could use waters within Gazan territory recognized internationally, and that the IDF would not encroach on them within the three kilometer wide area designated to the Strip.