Hamas considering talks with Israel

PA sources stipulate: Talks would not constitute recognition of legitimacy.

hamas spokesman 88.298 (photo credit: CNN [file])
hamas spokesman 88.298
(photo credit: CNN [file])
Hamas sources revealed on Wednesday that the organization was considering conducting diplomatic talks with Israel in order to remove the international pressure that was placed on the Palestinian Authority government. However, the sources stipulated, the talks would not represent a recognition of the State of Israel, Israel Radio reported. Other options that Hamas was reportedly exploring recently included establishing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. PA cabinet spokesman Ghazi Hamad said that Hamas was not rejecting talks with Israel outright, but was deliberating over whether it would be of any benefit to it. He added that Hamas preferred to reach a permanent agreement, rather than a gradual one. The apparent steps towards moderation may have been the result of tremendous international pressure in the form of blocking the flow of money directly to the PA government. American sources have assessed on Wednesday that the transfer of funds would be renewed, the PA government would collapse within three months. The London-based Al-Hayat quoted the sources as saying that not only the United States, but also the European Union, Egypt, Jordan and others have committed to halting the flow of money to the PA. Even some Palestinian banks reportedly feared that the US would cut off business ties with them.