Police use riot control for second time in one day to disperse unruly crowd of hundreds.
At least one Palestinian man was arrested Sunday night after a march of hundreds of east Jerusalem residents near Damascus Gate turned violent hours after a separate riot on the Temple Mount. According to police, participants marching down Salah a-Din Street threw rocks at officers without provocation, shattering a police vehicle’s windshield and causing other damage.When the group responsible for the violence ignored warnings to stop, riot-control units used stun grenades to disperse the crowd. No one was injured during the melee, which resulted in a single arrest and thousands of shekels of damage to the police cruiser, a police official said.Earlier Sunday morning, seven Palestinians were arrested on the Temple Mount for rioting against Construction and Housing Minister Uri Ariel’s scheduled tour of the contested holy site. Upon learning of Ariel’s visit, teens wearing face masks threw stones and firecrackers at visitors and police at approximately 7:30 a.m.Undeterred by the violence, Ariel participated in a highly restrictive and brief tour, accompanied by a police detail. Following his tour the minister said he would continue to visit the holy site and called for Jewish sovereignty over it.“The reality in which rioters control the agenda on the Temple Mount and prevent Jews from accessing the area is not acceptable,” Ariel said. “I call on the security forces to help maintain Jewish sovereignty and allow any Jew to access to the Temple Mount.”