WATCH: IDF destroys Gaza tunnel used to kill soldiers

Video shows IDF targeting and destroying tunnel, from which terrorists emerged and fired a deadly anti-tank missile.

Tunnel uncovered by IDF in Gaza , July 23 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
Tunnel uncovered by IDF in Gaza , July 23
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
The IDF destroyed a Gaza tunnel on Saturday that had been used to fire on and kill IDF soldiers the week before. On the same day, IDF soldiers found and destroyed four other Gaza terror tunnels.
The soldiers were killed July 20 when terrorists emerged from the tunnel and fired an anti-tank missile at the soldiers' armored vehicle.
Since the ground operation began on July 17, the IDF has exposed over 30 tunnels from Gaza which extended underneath the border and into Israel.
In the fight against Gazan terror against Israel, 43 IDF soldiers have been killed.
The security cabinet on Saturday night decided to accede to a UN request and agree to a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian cease-fire until midnight Sunday. The one-sided cease-fire began on Saturday morning at 8 a.m.
Hamas had rejected all cease-fire agreements up to this point; Israel had accepted every cease-fire agreement.
Diplomatic officials said that despite the cease-fire, the IDF would act against any violation of the truce by the other side.
After Hamas rockets continued to break the Israel-agreed ceasefire throughout Saturday and Sunday, the IDF renewed its efforts on Gaza at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday with targeted attacks by air and sea.