The principle of no victory for Israel during the war - opinion

It appears that all things are possible at the State Department. Israel can be besmirched and threatened, Hamas saved, and terror tolerated.

 US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks at the White House earlier this month. US policy toward Israel since its founding has been to prevent Israel from gaining as complete a victory as possible over its enemies, the writer maintains.  (photo credit: Nathan Howard/Reuters)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks at the White House earlier this month. US policy toward Israel since its founding has been to prevent Israel from gaining as complete a victory as possible over its enemies, the writer maintains.
(photo credit: Nathan Howard/Reuters)

To grasp the machinations of President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, one first needs to understand that a fundamental aspect of the US policy toward Israel, since its founding, has been to prevent Israel from gaining as complete a victory as possible over its enemies.

A review of the past 76 years and research from the FRUS archives of the State Department make that obvious.

The second aspect is that since the Carter administration and with an extra Oslo Accords boost from the Clinton administration, and now being pushed by the Obama clique, the Biden Administration’s goal is to have Hamas survive this war victorious and to achieve the lost-but-now-found two-state solution in the post-war period.

As the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal noted on May 22, the Biden Administration for months opposed an Israeli invasion of Rafah.

The United States doubts Israel

Their spokesmen asserted there was “no credible plan” for civilian evacuation. The brief arms embargo was based on that assumption. President Biden said, “We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas.” Secretary of State Blinken also doubted Israel had a good enough plan.

 People flee the eastern parts of Rafah after the Israeli military began evacuating Palestinian civilians, May 6, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Hatem Khaled)
People flee the eastern parts of Rafah after the Israeli military began evacuating Palestinian civilians, May 6, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Hatem Khaled)

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said, “We still believe it would be a mistake to launch a major military operation into the heart of Rafah.”

Now that over 900,000 Gazans have been safely evacuated and the operation is proceeding well, like the story of the insect on the elephant’s ear, the US Administration is claiming credit.

“[Israel] incorporated many of the concerns that we have expressed,” a senior US official told reporters and added, that the operation might create “opportunities for getting the hostage deal back on track.”

However, the underlying current of maliciousness remains.Already on March 19, Blinken falsely accused Israel of “causing a famine” in Gaza, leaving out Hamas’ role in all this. He joined the “starvation chorus,” adding that “100 percent of the population in Gaza is at severe levels of acute food insecurity.”

On April 11, David Satterfield, US humanitarian envoy, remarked “There is an imminent risk of starvation for the majority, if not all, the 2.2 million population of Gaza.” Gaza, in fact, receives food supplies. However, much of the aid is stolen by Hamas or by crime families who have killed Gazans in the process.

Additionally, Biden’s $320 million floating pier is not that much of a success. Although completed and working, the Pentagon admits now that very little aid, if any, has been delivered to the general Gaza population via the pier. The US and the UN are still trying to fix safe routes.

Was Hamas lambasted after crowds looted aid trucks coming from the port and one Palestinian man was killed?

Israel was blamed for not ensuring proper conditions for humanitarian groups to operate safely. Department of Defense Press Secretary Gen. Patrick Ryder said he was still reviewing operational conditions.

Earlier, On January 9, despite unprecedented Israeli precautions to avoid harming civilians, Blinken announced, “The daily toll of war on civilians in Gaza is far too high,” and accused the Israeli Defense Forces  of “indiscriminate bombing” – an accusation, as Blinken must have known, that could not have been less accurate.

From how to evacuate civilians to how to feed them to how to secure humanitarian aid to how to protect them during battles, the American Administration moved on to diplomatic matters.

On May 13, Sullivan said, “If Israel’s military effort is not accompanied by a political plan for the future of Gaza and the Palestinian people, the terrorists will keep coming back and Israel will remain under threat.” However, the terrorists will do so with or without a political plan.

David Wurmser, an adviser to former vice resident Dick Cheney, suggested on May 9 that while the State Department has always been more “Arabist” than pro-Israel, what has developed is the State Department’s “motivation... to exercise control.”

Additionally, there is a purpose other than a psychological need to be in charge or to be the “protector.” That purpose is to thwart a complete Israeli victory.

Whether Ami Dror, one of the prominent figures of the so-called “Kaplan Force” agitators, is truly in possession of inside information or is just pretending, his April 7 report, supposedly from White House sources, is that more rampaging in the streets is required as well as threats (at the time) of ICC indictments that will corral Israel’s government into kowtowing to the State Department plan.

The goal of that plan is an Arab state of Palestine, even at the cost of permitting Hamas to run away to play another day.

Let us not forget that the Biden Administration has been less than supportive of the Abraham Accords, promoting the need for Israel to comply with Washington’s vision while dangling a deal with Saudi Arabia.

Is that too harsh? Consider news coming from Fox Network that during the Obama administration, the State Department “actively interfered” in 2017 to prevent the FBI from issuing warrants for the executing arrests of persons illegally in the United States who were allegedly supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson were provided documentation by a whistleblower, which they reproduced.

Those records, including emails, indicated that the Justice Department and the FBI leadership “failed to take the necessary steps to stop [then secretary of state John] Kerry’s obstructive efforts.”

They revealed 18 instances when cases could have been moved forward “but the State Department chose to block them.”

It appears that all things are possible at the State Department. Israel can be besmirched and threatened, Hamas saved, and terror tolerated, as no clear Israel victory will facilitate the ultimate goal: a two-state solution.

The writer is a researcher, analyst, and opinion commentator on political, cultural, and media issues.