The commission’s aims and mandate are exposed for what they are – a biased attempt camouflaged in legalese to besmirch the Jewish state.
By LETTERS TO THE EDITORSchabas quitting Sir, – With regard to “Schabas shalom” (Editorial, February 4), what does it say about the credibility of commission when its head honcho resigns? Did William Schabas resign because he felt it would taint his stature and legal reputation, or did he resign because he was concerned his continued presence would taint the commission’s conclusions? Was it hubris, professionalism or other factors? He left it late, so alea iacta est – the die is cast.Schabas, too, crossed the Rubicon, and the drama now has to play out with unpredictable consequences.Following in the wake of Judge Richard Goldstone’s recantation after his commission of inquiry into Operation Cast Lead, the position of UN inquiry chair man is transparently tainted.The commission’s aims and mandate are exposed for what they are – a biased attempt camouflaged in legalese to besmirch the Jewish state.DAVID E. KAPLANKfar SabaSir, – Congratulations on the clever word play.Sometimes a headline distorts an article’s meaning, but with your editorial on William Schabas the intent was nicely captured, with a dose of humor added.MARTIN KALSON
Ginot ShomronDoing its duty Sir, – With regard to “Michael Oren errs on Netanyahu and Congress” (No Holds Barred, February 3), on November 12, 1936, in the House of Commons, Winston Churchill said: “Two things, I confess, have staggered me, after a long parliamentary experience, in these debates. The first has been the dangers that have so swiftly come upon us in a few years, and have been transforming our position and the whole outlook of the world. Secondly, I have been staggered by the failure of the House of Commons to react effectively against those dangers.That, I am bound to say, I never expected.“I never would have believed that we should have been allowed to go on getting into this plight, month by month and year by year, and that even the government’s own confessions of error have produced no concentration of parliamentary opinion and force capable of lifting our efforts to the level of emergency.I say that unless the house resolves to find out the truth for itself, it will have committed an act of abdication of duty without parallel.”By hearing what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to say, especially about Iran, the US Congress will demonstrate that it is not abdicating its duty.MLADEN ANDRIJASEVICBeershebaThe women run Sir, – I am an oleh, a former lone soldier and a student, and I’ll be voting for the Ubezchutan party in the March election (“We have no representation, says head of new haredi women’s party,” January 22).Many times in past elections, haredi women unsuccessfully petitioned the parties that claimed to represent them, in an effort to allow them to run. The ultra-Orthodox parties participating in the upcoming election (Shas, United Torah Judaism and Yahad) are not allowing women on their lists.These parties have responded not only with a loud no, but with threats.In December, haredim started a grassroots movement to convince women not to vote for Shas or UTJ.Then Rabbi Mordechai Blau of UTJ issued a statement to his followers: All women who go near a political party that is not under the leadership of the Torah sages will find their children banned from haredi schools and their employers boycotted by the community.This is not Judaism, and these parties do not represent Torah values of equality.Ruth Colian and the other women of Ubezchutan are fighting against the haredi establishment. It is time to give them and all haredi and Orthodox women a voice in our government.They need the help of all Israelis who are for equality and women’s rights.TZVI DARLINGHaifa