July 26, 2017: A name in lights

What were you thinking when you decided to publish the complete statement of the terrorist who entered a Jewish home and stabbed three people to death?

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
A name in lights
With regard to “Terrorist issued last testament on Facebook,” July 24), what were you thinking when you decided to publish the complete statement of the terrorist who entered a Jewish home, stabbed three people to death and severely wounded a fourth as they sat at their Shabbat table?
Why quote verbatim his every demented thought, which included calls for others to follow his heinous example? You have given him exactly the international notoriety that might likely inspire other malcontents to follow in his footsteps.
While no society has succeeded in defeating terror entirely, there are steps that can be taken that can help snuff it out. I believe the most obvious approach is to stop glorifying those who perpetuate evil and encourage devastation.
Strip away the fame that is associated with acts of terror. Remove the glory that comes with one’s name in lights. Don’t give the extremist’s family newspaper clippings to frame and hang in the entrance to their home. Don’t give future terrorists the name and face of a role model to emulate.
While society can’t find a way to eliminate terror completely, remove the air of success. The evil doesn’t deserve the recognition, and the victims and their families don’t deserve the disrespect.

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Great Neck, New York
Ivory tower
It is difficult to know whether to laugh or cry at the complete lack of fact in James Adler’s “From Western Wall crisis to Israel-Palestine now” (Comment & Features, July 24). While complaining about the “attitudes” of the rightist opinions of the Israeli public, he proceeds to tell us why his leftist opinions (rejected by the Israeli electorate) are the only way forward.
In his opinion, our “endless occupation” (what state have we occupied?), “settlement expansionism” (do Clauses 5 and 6 of Article 80 in the UN Charter have to be ignored?) and “endless invasive and intrusive acts” (we are not allowed to defend our citizens?) are the main causes of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Yet every concession granted by Israel has been and is continuing to be abused by our enemies while the world condones murder and payment for murder.
The word “security” is totally missing from his writing, and Mr. Adler continues to believe that Geneva and the Arab Peace Initiative would solve all our problems. Liberal American thinking has not solved the problems in Afghanistan, certainly not in Iraq and absolutely not in Iran. In fact, American liberal thinking has created greater security risks for Israel by allowing the creation of an arc of Iranian influence around us.
The writer clearly has no understanding that the Arab mindset is far removed from the western mindset. Until he comes to terms with this, his writings are merely the writings of an academic in an ivory tower, with no relevance to facts on the ground.
The writer is chairman of CoHaV, a worldwide network of activists promoting the case for Israel.
Another Gadot fan
Regarding “Warner Bros. confirms Wonder Woman 2” (Arts & Entertainment, July 24) by Amy Spiro, recently I went to see Wonder Woman. I was pleasantly surprised how good the movie was, as I am not a fan of superhero movies.
The reason I’m writing this is that I wish Gal Gadot great success. I can see that she is really capable of acting, and I hope she will get better parts and a chance to play real people.
Sick and depraved
We could not believe our eyes when we saw the ad on the lower-right front page of your July 24 edition. The ad said: “Why travel all the way to Rhodes? You can bump into camels anytime in the Negev!”
A picture of what appears to be a bleeding and wounded, if not dead, camel in the middle of the road is supposed to attract people to tour Israel rather than go to Rhodes? How sick and depraved!
Words not enough
With regard to “Hungarian Jews feel ‘let down’ by Budapest and Jerusalem in anti-Soros campaign saga” (July 21), Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has finally admitted that his country actively participated in the extermination of its Jewish citizens during World War II. As “efficient” as the Nazis were, even they couldn’t have deported and murdered over half a million Jews in a matter of a few months without resorting to help from their enthusiastic Hungarian sympathizers.
My mother, a survivor of Auschwitz, lost 96 family members between May 1944 and April 1945. Seventy years later, it’s high time for the Hungarians to take responsibility for their actions.
Mr. Orban, if you mean what you say, then return all the stolen Jewish property and pay compensation. Words are definitely not enough.
Troubling comment
I am troubled by the last sentence in Greer Fay Cashman’s July 19 Grapevine feature.
Regarding the efforts to eradicate prostitution, Ms. Cashman writes: “Once this option is no longer available, the libido [of potential rapists and pedophiles] might become hyper and the incidence of rape might soar.”
Rape is a crime of violence against its victims. Pedophilia is a serious sexual deviation. To imply that eradicating prostitution will leave perpetrators with no “legitimate” sexual outlet and that they will therefore need to satisfy their libidos in other ways is a serious and harmful misreading of the situation.
Ein Shemer
Greer Fay Cashman responds: While pedophilia may indeed be a serious sexual deviation, and pedophiles usually prefer younger children, prostitution is unfortunately not the exclusive domain of adults. Ask organizations such as Elem how many minors they rescue or attempt to rescue from the oldest profession. There are pedophiles who have tried to overcome their deviation, and if there are young girls who are willing to grant sexual favors in return for money or food or a roof for the night, some pedophiles might see this as an outlet for their sexual needs simply because it is a commercial transaction.
Myanmar replies
Referring to a Reuters article headlined “Rohingya villagers tell visiting reporters of abuses from Myanmar army crackdown” (International News, July 16), I wish to clarify that the democratically-elected Myanmar government has made it clear in prioritizing to protect human rights and find a durable solution to Rakhine State’s tensions, which were sparked by communal violence. This issue cannot be considered simply a humanitarian and human-rights issue due to coordinated armed attacks occurring since last year and increasing cases of murder and abduction.
The Central Committee on Implementation of Peace, Stability and Development of Rakhine State chaired by State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan’s advisory commission and the investigation commission led by Vice President U Myint Swe were all formed to address the issue comprehensively. Myanmar does not accept the independent fact-finding mission set up according to a resolution of UNHRC, from which Myanmar has dissociated itself, believing it will worsen the situation.
Due to the nature of historical and cultural values and identities between the communities, the issue is complex and sensitive. It is hoped that the international community understands Myanmar’s stands and concerns.
Tel Aviv
The writer is a minister/counselor at the Embassy of Myanmar.