Letters to the Editor April 25, 2021: Spilled milk

Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.

Letters (photo credit: PIXABAY)
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

Spilled milk

Most of us have, at one time or another, eaten at a tier-1 event hall or hotel and shaken our heads in disbelief at the array and quality of deserts being offered, exclaiming, “Damn, if this parve parfait doesn’t taste like the real thing” or “How did they make this custard so creamy without using milk?”
Considering the tragedy that occurred at that Rosh Pina restaurant, maybe those terms of endearment weren’t farfetched.
Ruthie Blum (“Anaphylactic and societal shock,” April 23) cites three contributing factors to the death of Osher Deri. The second of the three – that the young woman recklessly left her EpiPen at home – was, agreed, most certainly a fatal oversight. And without being at the scene, Blum cannot accurately say that an ambulance should have been immediately called, which she cites as the third factor. What I take issue with, though, is how Blum characterizes the negligence of bringing a dairy product into a kosher meat kitchen, the first of the three factors. “Peculiar” is hardly the word I would use.
That mistake, by the way, was made twice – once by the kitchen aide who failed to notice that he was purchasing something more suitable for a Shavuot cheesecake, and then by the chef/cook/whatever who apparently paid no attention to what he was squirting or spreading on that piece of cake. That two sets of eyes overlooked what was going on is somewhat more serious than “peculiar,” no?
Or was it, perhaps, three sets of eyes? Granted, I have not read or heard all accounts of this terrible event, but I cannot recall any mention of the restaurant’s mashgiach and where he was during this incident. His responsibility is to ensure that what the restaurant serves its customers meets the standards of kashrut as defined by the Rosh Pina rabbinate. Did he, too, not bother to check? I suggest that the Religious Council of Rosh Pina confirm that their insurance coverage is adequate and that all premiums have been paid.
As the poet said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Maybe, but the same fatal error that was committed twice if not three times within a few minutes exceeds, in my opinion, the boundaries of humanity and is a real challenge to an act of forgiveness.
Ginot Shomron

Pot shot

Liat Collins (“Justice for Sarah Halimi,” April 23) has rightly highlighted the horrendous murder in Paris of Jewish teacher and doctor Sarah Halimi and the decision that the Islamist responsible for her death was in fact not responsible due to his use of cannabis, which supposedly triggered a psychotic episode.
The assailant reportedly broke into her flat while she was sleeping, beat her, crushed her skull and hurled her off the balcony of the third floor apartment while shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “I killed the sheitan,” the Arabic word for “satan.”
To say this law in France is an “ass” is a major understatement even echoed by President Emmanuel Macron however, but it does not serve justice for Sarah Halimi and her family.
Unfortunately this despicable act is one of many perpetrated against Jews in France, where a number of assaults and deaths have occurred. It is chilling, but unless the law hands down appropriate sentences punishing anti-Jewish attackers, it appears France has become a no-stay zone for Jews.
Tel Aviv
Sarah Halimi, a Jewish woman, was murdered and then dumped out of the window of a Paris apartment by her pot-smoking neighbor Kobili Traore while shouting “Allahu Akbar” – clearly an act of antisemitism. A French court recently ruled that Traore cannot stand trial for murder as he was not criminally responsible due to the “delirious fit” resulting from smoking pot! So, the cold-blooded murderer of a Jewish woman walks free, and not even a one-liner in The New York Times, The Times of London or any other newspaper worldwide. Certainly a non-issue in the eyes of the media – really only a Jewish woman violently murdered – and also a non-issue that the perpetrator is free to continue his pot-smoking lifestyle!
Contrast this to the murder of “Saint George” (Floyd), whose brutal killing not only made world headlines in almost every country but resulted in demonstrations (sometimes violent) in a number of world capitals. But it did not stop there. The trial of Floyd’s murderer, Derek Chauvin was mainstream news in almost every international newspaper as well as most TV channels in the US and abroad. International comments are still headline news days after the guilty verdict was announced and CNN is carrying out in-depth interviews with Floyd’s girlfriend, brother, cousins and anyone claiming to know the unfortunate victim. Don Lemon, CNN anchor has been milking this story for two hours daily since the trial began. Floyd’s portrait still emblazoned across billboards in many world capitals and sportsmen are all “taking the knee” at major sports events. The media are ensuring that this issue remains in the forefront of attention for as long as possible – which seems to be in perpetuity!
Then there is the case of little-known Collins Khoza, an innocent black man living in an impoverished township on the outskirts of Johannesburg, murdered within a few weeks of Floyd by black soldiers under the command of black policemen whilst under the brutal South African ANC government lockdown who ruled that drinking of alcohol was forbidden (as was smoking cigarettes and the wearing of open-toe sandals). Khoza, “suspected of consuming alcohol,” was brutally beaten to death under the command of black police officers.
In an inquiry by the South African Army, the killer of Khoza was found “to have acted improperly, irregularly and in contravention of their code of conduct.” It was recommended that “appropriate disciplinary measures be taken against the commander of the platoon who was on the ground and against those who were with the commander.”
Now let’s forget about the murder of a Jewish woman – after all it is apparently okay to kill Jews and walk free, who really cares? But contrast the outrage and attention of the killing of Floyd with a similar murder of a black man in black-ruled South Africa that never saw a single mention in any newspaper or TV channel outside of South Africa – and even then that event was quickly “swept under the carpet” and soon forgotten.
This must speak volumes for the values of “Black Lives Matter,” which means that only some lives matter – when they advance a narrative.
Tel Aviv

No charge

Regarding “Recycling electronics important, most don’t know how” (April 23), it would be a start if one had a convenient place to put used batteries. My hardware shop stopped having a bin for spent batteries because they would “no longer be collected.” Supermarkets selling batteries don’t appear to have a place, either. When I asked where I could dispose of used batteries, I was told. “We have no idea!”
So, Yossi Hazai, CEO of Ecommunity, start by telling people where they can dispose of these items and have an abundance of collection points, as is the case for certain plastic items. Launch a campaign focused on the environment and ensure “convenience of disposal” or consumers will just throw these items into their household waste.
People are willing but need to know when and where to drop things off.

J Shriek

David Weinberg’s “Can J Street stoop any lower?” (April 23) moved me to tears – of rage.
Cutting to the chase and eliminating all the other libelous, disgusting and shameful actions of this anti-Israel mutant group of self-hating Jews and fellow-travelers, J Street’s latest grave anti-Israel campaign focuses on conditioning US military aid to force Israel to end the “occupation.”
Their campaigning for this despicable new low produced results by “squad” members as well as at least 20 other Democrats to introduce a new House bill calling for additional oversight on how Israel may spend US funding.
The lowest of the low in the race by J Street to castrate Israel, was Senator Elizabeth Warren – an almost-US president. She baselessly accused Israel of vaccinating our own, while denying the vaccine to Palestinians, calling it denying “life-saving shots.”
Haaretz celebrated these moments, calling them a “victory lap for J Street.” Is this the Haaretz of Israel or the new Palestinian newspaper, envisioned by the nihilistic advocates of a one-state solution?
Unbelievably, even as the Palestinians are in the midst of terrorizing and traumatizing thousands of Israelis by firing volleys of rockets at a range of civilian targets – an ongoing war crime if there ever was one, with no end in sight – J Street and US Senator Elizabeth Warren are calling to penalize Israel and President Joe Biden is actually rewarding those terrorists by opening up the spigots of funding to them.
I invite them all to spend a week – or even a single night – scrambling for their lives and huddling in a bomb shelter in our town or one of the other beleaguered communities here in the South. Nothing like a taste of reality as an antidote for egregiously mistaken “morality.”
US Senators Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts) and Bernie Sanders (Vermont) miss no opportunity to criticize, delegitimize Israel and deliver poisoned advice to both Israel and the USA on how to handle affairs with the Palestinians and Arab world in general. It should come as no surprise that these two senators represent wealthy New England states where black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOCs) are a small fraction of the population (~10%) and suffer from various forms of discrimination. Perhaps the two worthy senators should focus their efforts closer to home. They should act to increase and support the BIPOC population in their own states – share the wealth and prosperity with them instead of interfering from their ivory tower perches with the politics and conflicts of the Middle East about which they know little.

Canoe capers

Not informing non-Orthodox converts that their conversion in religious terms is not accepted by many Jewish communities around the world may be unfair and unfortunate, but not really new (“The tough conversation,” April 22).
What is “new”and perhaps even more unfair and unfortunate is that even many of Rabbi David Eliezrie’s potential and actual Orthodox “re-conversions” and new conversions may be highly questioned, and at worst outright rejected, by the Israeli rabbinate, if and when such individuals decide to immigrate to Israel.
The latest declaration by the Chief Rabbinate that it must approve even Orthodox conversions performed abroad is scandalous and illustrates that the Israeli Chief Rabbinate is indeed “a power-hungry oligarchy” whose only goal is to control every aspect of conversion, no matter where performed, nor how sincere the convert or reputable and strict the Orthodox rabbinical court that performed the conversion.
As difficult as it must be for Eliezrie to inform a non-Orthodox convert of his or her not being considered Jewish by halachic standards, I wonder how he would explain to an Orthodox convert why his or her Judaism is still in question by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate.
Hatzor Haglilit
The editorial “Negative Judaism” (April 18) deliberately conflates a significant issue within Orthodoxy – recognition of foreign Orthodox conversions by pre-authorized rabbinic organizations – with opposition to alternate forms of non-halachic Judaism.
The former is a legitimate and significant issue of trust yet to be resolved inside the tent of observers of Jewish law. (e.g. kashrut depends entirely on the word of many different kashrut authorities who observe production of sub-ingredients.)
The latter involves “progressive, pluralistic and open” forms of a faith that have little, if any, relation to Jewish law. Their clerical functions, such as conversions and marriages, have as much Jewish legal validity as a marriage by the “captain” of a canoe. It is only their license for civil weddings that gets recognized by the State of Israel.
Why? Unfortunately, non-Orthodox seminaries make up their own rules. This complicates the determination of “who is a Jew” for their future generations. By deliberately bending or discarding Jewish law, they create a situation in which Orthodox Jews may not wed the offspring – splitting the Jewish people forever.
A unified set of rules sustained our people for millennia. The real issue is to what level of resolution must those rules be observed and refereed. This editorial is proposing the legitimizing of non-rule sects, so anyone who simply declares he’s a Jew could insist on recognition. Since that recognition will never happen within Jewish Law, it leads only to perpetual conflict, not peace.

Coddling the corrupt

Mahmoud Abbas, president of one of the two political entities controlling the lives of Arabs in the disputed territories, is as predictable as the seasons.
There was no way he was going to risk losing his baksheesh to his rivals, especially Hamas, which is far more popular than his Fatah Party. After all, it is expensive maintaining a $30 million home on Palace Row in Ramallah.
Abbas had to impress the new US president with his sincerity to transparently adhere to democratic principles, so he declared elections would be held, notwithstanding he is in the 16th year of his four-year term.
Biden re-opened relations with the PA and restored funding that president Donald Trump and the US Congress had canceled.
With his finances back in good shape, how could Abbas ditch the elections without looking bad? He’d use the old reliable trick: It’s all Israel’s fault.
Polling stations were planned for Jerusalem’s suburbs, but Abbas wanted them downtown as well. Israel objected, so Israel is the bad one and Abbas gets everything he wanted. He’ll continue as president-for-life, so long as his rivals don’t get too aggressive.
As we’ve seen at the J Street conference, the Democrats will give Abbas the same easy ride the Obama administration did.
Well played, eh?


Ottawa, On.
There are none so blind
I believe in a unified Jerusalem, but I see the ploy that Fatah is using of the Israelis not allowing Arab residents of east Jerusalem to vote in their election as a reason to cancel the election and perpetuate the corrupt rule of Abbas, whom the blind government of President Joe Biden still believes is a viable peace partner.
However, as an individual who holds dual citizenship, I do vote also in the elections of my birth country without threatening my citizenship and love for the State of Israel. I therefore believe that Israel can sabotage Fatah’s political machinations by allowing the Arab “dual citizens” to vote in the “Palestinian” elections and for once ridding the world of the corrupt rule of Abbas and his henchmen.
Petah Tikva

An arm to the Armenians

Regarding “Lapid calls on Israel to follow Biden’s lead in recognizing Armenian genocide” (April 25), Jews and Greeks have a lot in common and many things to be proud of. Yet the State of Israel has failed in its moral and legal obligation to recognize the Armenian genocide officially and commemorate it.
When the Jewish state keeps reminding (rightfully) the world of the Jewish Holocaust but then fails to address the Armenian genocide and to recognize it shows a huge degree of hypocrisy. Stop appeasing the Turks! Don’t forget Hitler copied the Turks!
Athens, Greece