JerusalemThe writer is rabbi emeritus of Sydney’s Great SynagogueAliya and convertsSir, – The sick game played by the Ministry of Interior regarding converts coming on aliya (“If the Jews came out of Egypt today, many would be denied entry to the Land of Israel,” Comment & Features, April 18) is part and parcel of the general malaise whereby our religious standards are hijacked by haredi (ultra- Orthodox) interests.The Interior Ministry is a haredi fiefdom whose political agenda is threefold: first, to milk as much money as possible out of the Israeli taxpayer in order to fund willfully unemployed haredi men; second, to show moderate Zionist rabbis who’s boss; and third (for Shas in particular), to enjoy power for power’s sake in order to redress past insults, real or imagined. What better way than by consigning the innocent to an endless, faceless bureaucracy! Blame, however, cannot be placed at the feet of the ultra-Orthodox alone. Prostitution is a two-player business. Our secular parties deliberately pander to these minority special interests in order to maintain their own appearance of power. Electoral reform would eliminate this problem.But then, direct elections would also eliminate the roster of mediocrities and apparatchiks whose backsides are now glued to their ministerial chairs.J.J. GROSS JerusalemAppropriate dressSir, – Good for the prison authorities for making former president Moshe Katsav wear the regular prisoner’s orange jumpsuit from now on (“Katsav ordered to wear prison uniform when seeing visitors,” April 17).Just because he’s a former president is no reason for him to be allowed to wear just an orange Prisons Service jacket over his regular clothing. He should be treated like any other prisoner who is serving time for a rape conviction.If he doesn’t want to receive visitors in the orange jumpsuit, then so be it.He received no visitors from December to the end of January because he wouldn’t wear the jumpsuit. He can now just continue not to receive them, if that’s what he wants.Katsav should not be treated differently than other prisoners. He was convicted of a very serious charge and should be handled accordingly.HANNAH SONDHELM Jerusalem
April 20: Tough choice for British Jews
The role of British chief rabbi is almost mission- impossible.
JerusalemThe writer is rabbi emeritus of Sydney’s Great SynagogueAliya and convertsSir, – The sick game played by the Ministry of Interior regarding converts coming on aliya (“If the Jews came out of Egypt today, many would be denied entry to the Land of Israel,” Comment & Features, April 18) is part and parcel of the general malaise whereby our religious standards are hijacked by haredi (ultra- Orthodox) interests.The Interior Ministry is a haredi fiefdom whose political agenda is threefold: first, to milk as much money as possible out of the Israeli taxpayer in order to fund willfully unemployed haredi men; second, to show moderate Zionist rabbis who’s boss; and third (for Shas in particular), to enjoy power for power’s sake in order to redress past insults, real or imagined. What better way than by consigning the innocent to an endless, faceless bureaucracy! Blame, however, cannot be placed at the feet of the ultra-Orthodox alone. Prostitution is a two-player business. Our secular parties deliberately pander to these minority special interests in order to maintain their own appearance of power. Electoral reform would eliminate this problem.But then, direct elections would also eliminate the roster of mediocrities and apparatchiks whose backsides are now glued to their ministerial chairs.J.J. GROSS JerusalemAppropriate dressSir, – Good for the prison authorities for making former president Moshe Katsav wear the regular prisoner’s orange jumpsuit from now on (“Katsav ordered to wear prison uniform when seeing visitors,” April 17).Just because he’s a former president is no reason for him to be allowed to wear just an orange Prisons Service jacket over his regular clothing. He should be treated like any other prisoner who is serving time for a rape conviction.If he doesn’t want to receive visitors in the orange jumpsuit, then so be it.He received no visitors from December to the end of January because he wouldn’t wear the jumpsuit. He can now just continue not to receive them, if that’s what he wants.Katsav should not be treated differently than other prisoners. He was convicted of a very serious charge and should be handled accordingly.HANNAH SONDHELM Jerusalem