Isn't time for security cameras in Jerusalem? They would have made this week’s blast less likely, and enable identification of attackers.
By JERUSAELM POST READERSKeep an eye open Sir, – Is it not time for security cameras in Jerusalem? They would have made this week’s blast less likely, and would surely enable the visual identification of the attackers (“Woman killed, dozens hurt in J’lem bombing,” March 24).London and New York are just two major cities where security cameras have proven effective.Jerusalem, which has suffered the more attacks than New York and London combined, is encircled on three sides by major Arab populations, a pincer that makes it an easy target.From a cost/benefit point of view, the investment would save countless shekels over the long haul, not to mention lives.DAVID C. SAIDOFF JerusalemHit back, don’t apologize Sir, – It is absolutely unconscionable that southern Israel is in lockdown, with schools and markets closed due to rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza (“IDF plans Gaza action as Hamas vacates positions,” March 24). What other country would allow such an outrageous situation to develop? We cannot let Hamas’s blackmail take hold and determine the everyday life of our nation. We must hit Gaza hard – and not just a few tunnels every few days.I have read that the terrorist leaders have gone into hiding and turned off their mobile phones. Let us be ready and waiting when they crawl out of their holes. And we should never apologize for accidental deaths and injuries – so says Sarah Palin, and she is so right.
JUDY PRAGER Petah TikvaSir, – It is an honor to have such a dynamic figure as Sarah Palin love the Jewish state (“Israel is too apologetic, Palin says during Kotel tunnel tour,” March 21).It seems she has an understanding of what Israel means to the US and its Jewish citizens. Why is she one of the few who gets it? Jews always seem so ready to indulge the enemy, while a women such as Palin, who is not Jewish, tells us to stop apologizing for protecting our domain.JONI MOSKOL Mequon, WisconsinUnease over Libya Sir, – The sudden war against the Gaddafi regime (“Libyan air force destroyed, says British commander,” March 24) leaves me feeling uneasy. Who is in command? What is the strategy? Who has declared war? Is it the United Nations Security Council? If so, who’s running the war? Probably, we can all agree that Gaddafi should go. But the concept of a no-fly zone together with missiles launched from remote warships and foreign airfields does not add up to a plan for changing a regime.DAVID SHAW JerusalemSir, – Regarding “Will Israel pick up the tab for assault on Libya?” (Analysis, March 22), it is becoming increasingly evident that the military coalition against Libya arose due to the manipulation of the United Nations by the Arab League, which has now criticized coalition forces who are risking their lives on the Arabs’ behalf.Indeed, it is no coincidence that the same regional voices are now making increased calls to extend such military action to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a precedent having been established wherein the use of the West has been successful in the pursuit of agendas politically expedient to the above entities.DOUG ROBERTS Gwent, UKPrice of humor Sir, – Your March 23 photo of MK Miri Regev as an elderly gentleman with a long white beard (“Likud MK launches Knesset lobby to fight delegitimization of Israel”) was quite amusing.I am glad to see that our Knesset members – and the Post – take Purim so seriously.ANDERSON HARKOV Modi’inThe Editor responds:We are pleased when we can make people smile – just not at the expense of the man in the photo, Nobel Laureate Prof. Yisrael Aumann, to whom we apologize for the incorrect caption.