NeuroQ Reviews - Will This Nootropic Give You The Brain Boost You Seek?

“Tons of NeuroQ reviews promise everything from improved brain cells, cognitive function and memory. But do these claims hold water? We find out for you.”

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(photo credit: PR)

As the demand for nootropic supplements skyrockets, there's a flurry of NeuroQ reviews online that talk about this brain-booster in glowing terms. This supplement is designed to improve cognitive performance, brain function, and focus.

As we all know, brain function is a broad phrase that includes many different functions and processes. Some of these brain processes include neurotransmitter signaling, brain energy metabolism, brain cell structure and function, synaptic plasticity, brain circulation, brain inflammation response, and brain membrane composition.

The question is, does NeuroQ really live up to the tall claims it makes? Here's what we feel.

While NeuroQ may have some positive effects on certain aspects of cognitive function, it falls short in several key areas that limit its overall effectiveness. But don't take our word for it yet.

In this review, we'll take a closer look at the science behind NeuroQ and see if this nootropic can really give you the brain boost you're looking for.

Top 3 Alternatives to NeuroQ

1. NoocubeBest Alternative to NeuroQ

2. Hunter FocusBest Nootropics for Focus

3. Mind Lab ProBest for Cognitive Performance

What is NeuroQ?

NeuroQ is a brain health supplement that claims to improve mental health and boost brain health. It is one of the most aggressively marketed nootropics today.

NeuroQ is marketed as a brain booster that can help with:

  • Improved cognitive performance
  • Sharper focus
  • Better memory recall
  • Increased brain cell health

That pretty much ticks all the boxes in terms of brain health. If you log on to the official website for NeuroQ brain health supplement, you are greeted by results from a clinical study, right above the fold.

That's as good a marketing strategy as any, but is it backed by science?

So what does the study say? What are the abilities that NeuroQ can give your brain? Let's find out.

What does NeuroQ claim?

Nootropics are such a broad and individualized playing field that it is hard for any brain-booster to make general claims about what it can do for your brain.

Most nootropics focus on one or two aspects of brain function and try to improve those specific areas. This is why you have memory supplements like Neuriva, concentration boosters, stress-relief nootropics, brain health supplements, and so on.

So it is quite surprising to see a brain supplement like NeuroQ that claims to be a complete brain-booster. It does not try to focus on any one particular function. Instead, it tries to improve all aspects of mental health.

Some of the claims that NeuroQ makes are:

30-years of research

There's nothing like some backstory when it comes to brain-boosters.

According to NeuroQ, the brain-booster was developed after 30 years of research, by a team of brain experts, scientists and researchers. This instantly creates a halo of credibility around the supplement.

Whenever you see a brain-booster that was developed by brain experts, brain scientists, and brain researchers, take it with a grain of salt.

When you look at NeuroQ's website in detail, it is clear that this brain supplement has been designed for the general public or to meet the needs of the layman.

Addresses Subjective Cognitive Decline

NeuroQ claims that it can address 'subjective cognitive decline, which is a brain-boosting term that refers to the brain's naturally decreasing abilities with age.

Different brain functions decrease at different rates, depending on factors like genetics and lifestyle choices.

But this decrease is not due to any brain disease or pathology - it just happens as part of normal aging. The fact that NeuroQ makes this claim, shows that the brain-booster is not targeted at any specific audience or group of people. It is trying to be everything.

preCODE Protocol

NeuroQ brain health supplement claims to be developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen who developed the 'preCODE protocol', which is essentially a brain health protocol that uses dietary, lifestyle, and brain training changes to reverse brain aging and support a healthy immune system.

This claim again underscores the fact that NeuroQ is a brain-booster that can prevent cognitive decline, preserve healthy brain function, optimize the performance of brain cells, and of course, reduce symptoms like brain fog, poor short term memory, and so on.

The NeuroQ Clincal Study

Clinical trials are generally considered a hallmark of trustworthy and credible supplements. But one clinical study is not enough to make a brain supplement trustworthy.

NeuroQ brain-booster comes with a clinical study that was conducted on 20 participants over the age of 50 who were experiencing 'mild cognitive decline.

The participants were given NeuroQ brain supplement for 12 weeks and their brain function was monitored.

The results are not yet posted on peer reviewed journals, mind you. If you check the link, it clearly states that the results have not been published in any peer reviewed journal by the food and drug administration.

The brain-booster is being marketed heavily on the basis of this clinical study, which in turn is based on NeuroQ cognitive evaluation.

While it is good to see that the NeuroQ brain supplement comes with a clinical study, the fact that the results are not yet published in a peer-reviewed journal means we cannot give too much credence to the study.

NeuroQ Ingredients

Coming to the most important part of any brain supplement review - the ingredients.

As we always say, it is the ingredients that make or break a brain-booster.

NeuroQ brain supplement contains some very common brain-boosting ingredients and some not-so-common brain-boosting ingredients.

The question is, what does the science say about NeuroQ?

Let's take a closer look at the brain health ingredients in NeuroQ to see if they really work.

Gingko Biloba - This brain-booster ingredient has been around for centuries and is one of the most popular brain-boosting ingredients. Gingko Biloba is a common ingredient in brain supplements because it is known to improve blood circulation to the brain, which in turn can enhance brain function.

There is some evidence to suggest that Gingko Biloba may also be effective in treating brain conditions like dementia, Alzheimer's, and even brain damage.

But the effects of Gingko Biloba are not conclusive.

Phosphatidylserine - Phosphatidylserine is an important brain cell membrane component that plays an important role to improve brain health. There is a tiny bit of evidence to suggest that phosphatidylserine can help improve cognitive function, memory, and brain power in those suffering from age-related brain conditions.

It may be effective for increasing brain plasticity or the brain's ability to change and adapt over time. On the other hand, there's not enough evidence to suggest that phosphatidylserine can help healthy people improve brain function.

Neurofactor - Neurofactor is a patented coffee fruit extract that is touted as a brain health booster. Early stage evidence links it with an increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is involved in brain health and brain function.

There is some evidence to suggest that Neurofactor may help improve brain function, memory, mood, and brain health in people with Alzheimer's disease. Whether it can also improve brain function in healthy individuals is not yet known.

Yamada Bee Farm Propolis - This is a new brain-booster ingredient that comes from Japanese bees. Yamada Bee Farm Propolis is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which potentially makes it a brain health booster.

But the evidence is very preliminary and it looks more like an exotic brain health ingredient than a bona fide brain-booster.

Turmeric - Turmeric is a well-known Indian spice that has brain-boosting potential. It is rich in an active compound known as curcumin, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A reduction in inflammation can potentially help brain cells and cognitive function. But the effects of turmeric on brain health are far from conclusive.

Gotu Kola - This brain-booster ingredient has been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is known to have brain-boosting potential because it is rich in compounds that can help improve blood circulation to the brain.

There is some preliminary evidence that suggests Gotu Kola may be a potent nootropic. But the effects are not well studied.

Does NeuroQ brain health supplement work?

We always like to base our brain supplement reviews on science.

And the brain-boosting potential of NeuroQ brain supplement is not very impressive when you look at the science.

The brain-booster contains some well-known brain-boosting ingredients like Gingko Biloba and Phosphatidylserine. But the evidence to support their brain-boosting claims is far from conclusive.

There are some glaring misses here. There are no ingredients which boost blood flow to the brain, which is proven to improve mental clarity as well as processing speed.

What's more, the brain-booster also contains some new and exotic brain-boosting ingredients like Yamada Bee Farm Propolis and Turmeric. But the evidence to support their brain-boosting potential is very preliminary.

If you read up on the preCODE protocol and the clinical studies, it specifically mentions that NeuroQ was developed to supplement the protocol. In other words, a diet where you avoid dairy, sugar, and inflammatory foods to name a few. Would the supplement be as effective without following the protocol?

We don't know.

NeuroQ Price

One of the biggest motivators for people to buy brain supplements is the price.

And NeuroQ brain supplement is not very expensive.

You can buy a bottle of 60 capsules (30 servings) for $59.99 on the official website. Also, you get one bottle free when you buy one. The NeuroQ brain health dosage is not specified though.

The question is if this supplement really was as effective as they claim, why would they give it away at this price? Nootropic ingredients are expensive. Many of them are concentrates and molecules that are hard to source.

The price for us is a giveaway rather than a motivator.

NeuroQ Reviews - Alternatives

While there are some promising ingredients and an inconclusive clinical study, we feel that NeuroQ supplement leaves a lot to be desired. The focus seems to be capitalizing on the research and editorial team, which includes Dr. Dale.

If you are looking for a supplement that can prevent age related cognitive decline, NeuroQ might work with an anti-inflammatory diet. But if you are looking for something that can give you an edge in the current competitive workspace, this may not be it.

If you're looking for brain-boosting supplements, there are some better options out there. In fact, we can recommend three of them without batting an eyelid.

#1 - NoocubeThe Limitless Brain Boost

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(credit: PR)

Noocube does not claim to be the be-all and end-all brain supplement.

But it does claim to boost focus and concentration and give you the edge in a highly competitive workspace. Based on the ingredients used (and we all know how important that is) Noocube seems like a solid brain supplement option.

Since it specializes in focus, many ADHD patients add it as an adjuvant to reduce their dependency on Adderall.

Let's take a look at why Noocube beats the competition hands down.

Why Noocube is a better choice?

Noocube works on a simple principle. It improves neuroplasticity, supports healthy brain cells, improved connectivity between synapses, and boosts cerebral blood flow, all processes which can be achieved with natural ingredients.

1- Improving Neuroplasticity

Many cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and ADHD are rooted in brain plasticity or the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Noocube contains Bacopa Monnieri which performs a key role in improving brain plasticity.

As a result, your brain functions better and you are able to focus on the task at hand.

2- Boosting Cerebral Blood Flow

The brain is a hungry organ, feeding it with the right nutrients is key to keeping it healthy and focused. Higher blood flow to the brain can increase brain function. Noocube contains Alpha GPC and Huperzine A which are known to be potent vasodilators, they help open up brain blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.

This results in improved brain function and an edge in the workplace. It can also potentially prevent brain diseases and even fasten healing from severe brain injuries. But we wouldn't go to that extent yet.

3- Connecting Synapses

The brain is a complex organ made up of billions of neurons. These neurons are responsible for everything we do, from the most mundane task to the most complicated equation.

These neurons communicate with each other through synapses. When these connections are weak, brain function suffers.

Noocube contains acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), an amino acid that is known to boost brain function by increasing brain energy and synapse health.

Noocube Price

Noocube is priced at $59.99 per bottle, with each bottle containing 60 capsules.

If you buy two bottles, you get the third one for free. But here's the kicker. Buy 3 bottles, and you get 3 bottles for free. That's a 50% discount right there.

The company also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try it risk free.

Click here for the Lowest Price on Noocube

Final thoughts

Simply put, Noocube offers more brain-boosting benefits than NeuroQ at a much more affordable price. If you're looking for a supplement that can help your brain cope with the onslaught of information, Noocube is your best bet.

#2 - Hunter Focus - Razor Sharp Focus Unleashed

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(credit: PR)

As implied by the name, Hunter Focus has become the go-to choice for people who need to be at the top of their game at all times.

Whether you're a student cramming for exams, working professionally meeting deadlines, or an athlete training for the big game, Hunter Focus can give your brain cells the boost you need to stay focused and achieve your goals.

What makes Hunter Focus so special?

The prefrontal cortex is the brain's command center responsible for tasks such as focus and mood regulation.

Hunter Focus contains ingredients known to improve brain plasticity and boost cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal cortex. This allows you to stay focused on the task at hand, no matter how difficult or tedious it may be.

1- Increased energy

The problem with stimulants like Adderall and caffeine is that they can lead to a crash once the effect wears off.

Hunter Focus contains ingredients like Rhodiola Rosea and Asian Ginseng which are known to improve energy levels without the associated crashing thanks to brain derived neurotrophic factors. This means you can stay focused and energized for hours on end without feeling jittery or anxious.

2- Razor sharp focus in the zone

With hundreds of gizmos and gadgets vying for your attention, staying focused in today's world can be a challenge.

Hunter Focus contains L-Tyrosine which is known to improve brain cell function, focus and reduce brain fog. This means you'll be able to get into the "flow" state or the "zone" where productivity is at its peak.

3- Memory at its best

Your memory should be sharp as a tack, especially as you age.

Hunter Focus contains herbs, vitamins, and minerals that are known to improve memory recall. This means you'll be able to remember more of what you read, hear and see.

Think of it like having a brain that functions at your beck and call.

Hunter Focus Price

Hunter Focus is priced at $80 for a 30-day supply. That may seem expensive at first. But it's 180 capsules. No the conventional one capsule a day. This is a potent daily dose of the most effective nootropic ingredients known to man.

Also, you can get four bottles for the price of three.

Click here for the Lowest Price on Hunter Focus

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, Hunter Focus is a better choice than NeuroQ when it comes to focus and brain function. If you're looking for an alternative to Adderall and caffeine, this is your best bet.

#3 - Mind Lab Pro - Tackle The Most Demanding Tasks With Ease

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(credit: PR)

Mind Lab Pro was designed especially for the frayed, stressed-out brain of today.

Whether you're a student struggling with exams or an executive trying to finish up the quarterly report before the deadline, Mind Lab Pro can help boost cognitive performance and keep you at your best for whatever tasks life may throw your way.

If NeuroQ promises to make you smarter, faster, and better equipped to handle the demands of everyday life, Mind Lab Pro actually delivers on that promise.

Why Mind Lab Pro can unlock your cognitive potential?

Mind Lab Pro is a true "universal nootropic" because it can help improve cognitive performance in healthy individuals as well as those suffering from cognitive decline.

1- A calm mind

The demands of today's world can be overwhelming, to say the least. But with Mind Lab Pro, you can find the inner calm you need to stay focused and productive.

The secret lies in Mind Lab Pro's ability to reduce stress and anxiety.

Some of the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro will also help improve sleep quality, which gives your brain time to recharge and refresh.

2- Enhanced alertness

Your senses are your most important asset in today's digital age. But with Mind Lab Pro, you'll be fully alert no matter how demanding the situation at hand may be.

Mind Lab Pro contains ingredients that alter your brain chemistry to make it more alert and receptive. You'll be able to tackle the most tedious or demanding tasks with ease.

3- Improved brain memory recall

With Mind Lab Pro, you can remember more of what you read, hear and see. This means you won't have to waste time looking up keywords, names, or dates in your notes.

Imagine the time you save and the processing speed at which you can work when your memory is at its peak.

4- Faster reaction times

In today's fast-paced world, every second counts. That's why Mind Lab Pro gives you the edge you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Mind Lab Pro will help improve your reaction time so you can make split-second decisions with ease.

Mind Lab Pro Price

Mind Lab Pro is priced at $69 for a one-month supply. That's like a healthy dose of brain-boosting vitamins, herbs, and minerals for the price of a coffee.

As always, the real value comes from a bulk purchase. Buy 3 bottles and you get one for free.

Click here for the Lowest Price on Mind Lab Pro

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a truly effective nootropic to boost your cognitive performance, Mind Lab Pro ver 4.0 is a must-try. This universal nootropic is all you need for the ultimate mental edge and overall brain health.

NueroQ Reviews - Closing thoughts

Despite a strong marketing campaign, NeuroQ falls short of delivering on its promises. If you're looking for a brain boost, you're better off with Mind Lab Pro, Hunter Focus, or Noocube.

Each of these nootropics contains more potent and effective ingredients than NeuroQ. They're also more affordable and offer better value for your money.

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