DentaTur introduces E-Max Laminate Veneers in Turkey amid Positive Customer Reviews

A leading Turkey-based dental clinic, DentaTur, now offers E-Max Laminate Veneers as part of their dental treatments, which include dental implants and dental crowns.

  (photo credit: UNSPLASH)
(photo credit: UNSPLASH)

DentaTur, a leading dental clinic located in the Turkish city of Antalya offering a range of dental treatments, has now announced E-Max Laminate Veneers, with positive reviews coming in already. Dental procedures like veneers in Turkey are now gaining steam, allowing patients to enhance their smile, overall appearance, and confidence, while also offering a cost-effective alternative to treatments like crown installation. 

E-Max Veneers in Turkey gaining popularity

The installation of E-Max Veneers in Turkey have been gaining widespread popularity as of late – ideal for patients looking to improve their smile and confidence as well as improve tooth aesthetics at the same time. Installed on the front teeth, E-Max veneers are suitable for the vast majority of patients.

DentaTur has become a household name in Turkey, offering affordable E-Max Veneers, along with other common dental procedures. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that E-Max Veneers and other porcelain veneers at DentaTur are manufactured by renowned and reliable supply brands only, extending a high level of quality to the patient. 

The cost of E-Max Veneers in Turkey

DentaTur offers competitive prices for veneer treatment in Turkey, with the cost varying between £200 and £245, depending on the materials that patients choose. Lumineer veneers, for example, are priced at £245 per tooth while E-Max veneers are priced at £200 per tooth.

To fully ‘correct’ the smile or all of the front teeth, DentaTur recommends getting a full set of veneers. The cost of a full set of veneers in Turkey can range from £1,590 to £4,180. DentaTur’s “veneer package” includes the following services:

  • Meeting and airport
  • Transfer from the airport to the clinic and back
  • Hotel stay with breakfast
  • Consultation with dentist
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Dentist’s time and work
  • Laboratory fees

An initial consultation with one of the dentists at DentaTur helps patients decide which kind of veneer is most suitable for them. In addition, the dentist will check the patient’s oral health via a panaromic X-ray, creating a detailed dental treatment and oral hygiene plan. 

The Best Candidates for Veneer Treatment 

DentaTur has highlighted the following oral conditions making patients an ‘ideal candidate’:

  • Severely stained teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Chipped and/or cracked teeth
  • Correction required on tooth size
  • Discoloured teeth

Veneer installation can depend on a patient’s existing oral health and tooth care demands; DentaTur’s dentist will assess if a patient is indeed a suitable candidate for E-Max or other kinds of veneers. 

Veneer Treatment duration and estimated ‘shelf life’

The average veneer treatment at DentaTur takes 3-5 days. After checking the patient’s oral health, the dentist will proceed with the treatment, where each tooth for the veneer application will be abrased from the front to make space for the veneer. The veneers are typically ready in 3-4 working days, with patients enjoying the ‘perfect smile’ within 5 days.

Veneers usually last anywhere between 10 and 20 years, depending on the materials the veneer shells are made from. E-Max veneers, for example, can last for 15-20 years while Lumineers usually last between five and seven years.  

For more information on DentaTur’s range of services, please visit Dentatur.

About DentaTur 

DentaTur is a leader in cosmetic and restorative dental procedures in Turkey, providing each patient with personalised care. The full range of services include dental checkups and consultations, followed by the appropriate treatment in accordance with the patients’ requirement. 

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