Goals Plastic Surgery Shares How Men Can Get the 6-Pack

 (photo credit: GOALS PLASTIC SURGERY)

Globally, cosmetic surgery's popularity has been on the rise, with both men and women going the extra mile to acquire more appealing body features. Though the many cases of plastic surgery are women-related, men too have their need for getting the desired features. Today, the number of men going for abdominal etching to have a more refined abdomen with six-packs is rapidly increasing.

Abdominal etching is a liposuction procedure that uses the suction technique to remove the excess fats below the skin. In the United States, liposuction is the second most sought-after cosmetic procedure, with over 250,000 procedures performed in 2018. One of the leading facilities in the US for performing successful abdominal etching procedures is Goals Plastic Surgery. The center is based in New York and offers patients a comprehensive range of aesthetic surgical procedures. Considered one of the leading aesthetic and plastic surgery centers, Goals strives to give patients surgical treatments that give them a new lifestyle. You can find more details about them on their website.

So, What is Abdominal Etching? 

Abdominal etching is a less invasive male abdominal surgical procedure designed to reshape and contour the abdominal fats and provide the patient with the desired six-pack look. Like any other surgical procedure, the ideal healthy candidate is not a smoker or has other underlying conditions. Patients have to be fit enough to go under anesthesia without any medical complications. The patient also needs to have a stable weight range and a well-toned midsection to withstand the recovery process.   

The surgeons at Goals Plastic Surgery will engage with patients to understand their needs and the desired outcome they are looking for from the procedure. The patients are also examined for underlying medical conditions during this time. The abdominal etching procedure is usually fast and approximately takes an hour. Drawings are made on areas that will be sculpted and enhanced. They will then put the patient under anesthesia to make the skin numb and not feel pain during the surgery. The surgeon makes several incisions around the navel area and carefully carves the abdominal fats that cover the abdominal muscles using a scalpel and a cannula pump. The incisions are left wide open to facilitate draining the fluid's fats and the spilled blood from the area. Suturing of the incisions then follows, and the wounds are then dressed.

A compression garment is placed along the patient's midsection to allow for a fast and easy belly healing process and maybe left there for a few weeks until the doctor recommends its removal. After the anesthesia wears off, the doctors will have to monitor the patient for a couple of hours to ensure that everything is stable. The recovery process is fast and mostly takes between four to six weeks.

Pain, swelling, bruising, and redness in the surgery area are common and should not be a significant concern. Goals Plastic Surgery advises their patients to refrain from any physical activity after the surgical procedure to give their bodies much-needed rest and time for recovery. Results are usually visible from the third or fourth week after the surgery.