How to Drastically Improve Your Hair Health

 (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Your hair is called your crowning glory for a reason. Having healthy hair is something everyone wants. Each day, you shed 100 to 150 hairs. While this is a healthy amount, many people are paranoid that this would affect the thickness of their hair.

Get a Trim 

While it may sound counterintuitive, getting a trim regularly by a stylist, barber, or your mom is something you should do every four to eight weeks. If you have medium or long hair, you can get it trimmed every 6 to 12 weeks.

Hair trimming plays a major role in facilitating hair growth. It is also important to get rid of split ends and damaged hair. If you regularly do this, your hair will stay soft, flexible, and shiny.

Eat clean 

What you eat will show on the outside, including your hair. A diet packed with nutrients will dramatically help your hair follicles and make each hair strand shinier. A diet that is rich in green leafy vegetables is recommended. Iron, Fiber, and Vitamin D also helps in strengthening and building your hair. This fact is why these vitamins and minerals are always present inexpensive hair supplements.

Monitoring what you are eating won't be enough. You also have to monitor your health. Visit your doctor for routine check-ups.

Fight stress

Did you notice that your hair looks lifeless if you're feeling stressed from work, dealing with death, or you just delivered a baby? Stress negatively affects your mind, body, and hair. It diverts energy which should be used to make thick hair. As a result, you suffer hair problems such as hair loss. But don't worry. Your hair will come back to life once more when you regain control of your stress.

Don't use too many products 

If you overload your hair with tons of products and heat, your scalp and hair strands will suffer. As much as possible, minimize hair care practices that can affect the state of your hair cuticle. These activities include blow-drying, curling with a wand, and using other hot tools. These tools can cause breaks in the hair that decrease its shine, and can even lead to breakage.
Another tip is to get products formulated for your hair type. For example, if you have damaged hair, you can opt for a conditioner that repairs and fights breakage. If you have dull and lifeless hair, invest in a dry shampoo or hair fibers to give you more volume.  

Do a keratin treatment 

Scan the hair product aisles in the supermarket and you'll definitely see products infused with keratin. This treatment isn't just a gimmick. Keratin is a wonder ingredient that boosts the quality of your hair by making your strands stronger. You may simply do keratin masks at home, but it is recommended to visit a local salon for specialized keratin treatments once or twice a year.

Brush right 

It may not seem like it, but your hair is fragile, but you need to handle it with care. Don't comb your mane when it's wet. Brush your hair twice a day when it is dry and do a brushing motion that starts from the top to bottom.

See a trichologist or dermatologist 

Dermatologists and trichologists do not get enough credit for solving hair issues. If you have hair problems that can't be dealt with DIY-treatments, don't hesitate to visit a dermatologist so you can get a proper diagnosis. Your doctor will help you find the best treatment for your issue(s). The treatment may be topical, oral medications, vitamin supplements, and procedures.

Don't Forget to Listen to Your Hair 

Now that you know tips to make your hair look great, you are ready to say goodbye to bad hair days. Remember: What works for your best friend may not work as well for your hair.

Everyone has different hair, so it makes sense to listen to what your body tells you. Closely observe how your hair reacts to your routines and products. Then, make changes.