Games We Play: Matzner scores winner for Cafe Rimon

Cafe Rimon continued its winning streak in the Jerusalem soccer league with a perfect performance in a tight 1-0 victory over the South Africans of Ben Maimon in week 4. Chananya Matzner scored the decisive goal. In the game of the season so far, Renaissance and Angel's Bakery fought to a 0-0 draw. League veteran Gedalia Aurbach was remarkable, as were Josh Zneimer and the goalkeepers, Binyomin Nussbaum for Renaissance and Angels Bakery's Yonatan Small. Uri Rosen was man-of-the match as Dr. Dov defeated Or David 8-0. Joseph Kaye scored an impressive five goals. In a great comeback, top-scorer Gilad Kestenbaum, Yishai Last and Nochum Spitzer scored two goals each as the Rockets overpowered Heimishe Essen 6-3. Also last weekend, it was: Belgium 5, DP Sha'arei 1; Derech 12, Sha'alvim 0; Bugs 3, Bina Boyz 1; Mekor Rishon 7, Menucha V'Simcha 0; Big Apple Pizza 5, Egert & Cohen 0; Kick It 9, Hilton 2.