TV week in Israeli culture
Boom said that it believed in freedom of expression without hate and offered to help Sponder relocate to another venue.
“Bibi and me have a long relationship of give and take. I give orders, he takes them,” said the actor depicting Trump.
“It’s just very obvious they are worshipping Israel,” Owens said of the site. “That they base their jokes on people who don’t worship Israel and Bibi (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu.”
The films will play over different weekends, starting at the Sderot Cinematheque and Haifa Cinematheque on opening day.
Israelis looked around and found much outside of Israel they could laugh about.
After nine canceled flights, Avi Liberman, Judy Gold, Tom Cotter, and Nick Griffin kicked off their comedy tour in Jerusalem, bringing laughter while supporting bereaved families.
If you’re craving a story that’s both romantic and funny, Matchmaking 2 is a good match.
Margolin’s comedy has become a way to spread laughter and foster resilience and pride within the Jewish community.
In challenging times, humor helps to sustain the psychological immune system by altering how we feel, think, and behave.