Report: Trump campaign CEO 'doesn't like Jews' claims ex-wife
According to Bannon's ex-wife, Bannon did not like the way Jews "raise their kids to be 'whiny brats'" and didn't want his daughters going to school with Jews.
By JPOST.COM STAFFUpdated: AUGUST 27, 2016 08:21Stephen Bannon in 2016.(photo credit: REUTERS)
Stephen Bannon, CEO of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign, is under fire for alleged anti-Semitism.The New York Daily Newsreported Friday that court documents revealed Bannon's ex-wife's claim that Bannon did not want the couple's daughters to attend Los Angeles's Archer School for Girls because the elite institution had many Jewish students enrolled.According to Bannon's ex-wife, Mary Louise Piccard, Bannon "doesn't like Jews," did not like the way Jews "raise their kids to be 'whiny brats'" and didn't want his daughters going to school with Jews.Piccard's response? "I told him that there are children who are Jewish at (a competing school), and he asked me what the percentage was. I told him that I didn't know because it wasn't an issue for me as I am not raising the girls to be either anti-Semitic or prejudiced against anyone," she wrote.Piccard's statement was issued in a 2007 filing of a modification to their divorce agreement, which was originally finalized in 1997, NBC News reported. The documents also include charges of domestic violence. According to court records, Bannon was charged with three misdemeanors for attacking Piccard on February 22, 1996.On Twitter, Buzzfeed News reported that Bannon's spokeswoman, Alexandra Preate, denies these claims, saying "Mr. Bannon said he never said anything like that and proudly sent the girls to Archer for their middle school and high school education."Bannon, the former head of, is Donald Trump’s newest high-level hire for his fledgling presidential campaign staff, which has for months been fighting off a reputation that its base of supporters are bigoted and embittered white males.In a Bloomberg News profile of Bannon, reporter Joshua Green said that he had spoken with Andrew Breitbart before the website founder’s death. According to Green, Breitbart “described Bannon, with sincere admiration, as the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement”– referring to the Nazi propagandist and director of the film Triumph of the Will.Michael Wilner contributed to this report.