In the wake of the US presidential elections, Brian Maiorana, a 54-year-old man from Staten Island, was arrested by the US Department of Justice over threats posted on social media targeting politicians, and protesters because of the elections' result, reported JNS.
Arrested on Tuesday, Maiorana is said to have been responsible, according to a federal complaint, for sharing violent content on social media since September, and pledging to kill "in the form of extermination" anyone who would claim "to be Democrats… as well as their family members," JNS related.
“The Department of Justice will not stand idly by when people like the defendant allegedly threaten to kill elected officials, lawful protesters and law enforcement simply because of animus towards the outcome of an election," stated Acting US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Seth DuCharme.
DuCharme added, "Americans have a constitutional right to voice their opinions, but this office will not tolerate violence or threats of violence used to intimidate others with whom they disagree."
According to JNS, Maiorana posted on November 8, “As the Jew Senator from Jew York said nothing is off the table. The Turner Diaries must come to life. We blow up the FBI building for real. All the alphabet agencies assassination will become the new normal now … that the electoral process is finished,” the "Jew Senator believed to be New York Senator Chuck Schumer.
The Anti-Defamation League related that, the said Turner Diaries, written in 1978 by neo-Nazi National Alliance leader William Luther Pierce, is “probably the most widely read book among far-right extremists; many have cited it as the inspiration behind their terrorist organizing and activity.”
“Mr. Maiorana’s online posts called for violence against our entire community—protesters, politicians and law-enforcement officers alike," stated FBI assistant director-in-charge William F. Sweeney Jr.
"His alleged threats are disturbing and far outside of acceptable norms, but they also violated federal law. A word of advice to those who haven’t yet figured this out—the FBI will carry out our mission to protect the public’s safety and our constitutional right to disagree with one another, but we will not tolerate threats and acts of violence."
"Any others who wish to follow the example set by Mr. Maiorana will be held accountable in the same way,” explained Sweeney.