Rosenfeld: Israeli Arabs arrested over J’lem explosion
The police spokesman discusses the threats facing Israel on a daily basis, the recent arrests of the pipe-bomb perpetrators, and the Police’s cooperation with other security agencies.
By DEBORAH DANAN20 questions 58(photo credit: courtsey)
This week 20 Questions hosts Micky Rosenfeld, police foreign pressspokesman and superintendent.Rosenfeld revealsthat five arrests were made in connection to the pipe-bomb explosion onDerech Hebron in south Jerusalem just over a month ago. A sanitationworker from the Jerusalem Municipality lost his hand when a garbage baghe was lifting exploded.RELATED:Shin Bet nabs Hamas terror cell in eastJerusalemThe men arrested wereresidents of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Bahir and were incontact with Hamas in Gaza, planning more shooting attacks inJerusalem.Rosenfeld discusses the cooperationbetween Israeli and European security agencies, particularly in thefields of explosives and forensics. Israeli agencies travel to Europeto train security agencies in how to deal with large scale incidentsincluding terrorist attacks and natural disasters. According to Rosenfeld, despite the rise of attacks recently, thenotion of a third Intifada of a similar scale to those witnessed in1987 and 1996 seems unlikely.Rosenfeld attributes the decline in the number of attacks since 2004 as due to extra patrols and the security fence.20 Questions is a JPost Premium Zone initiativeempowering our readers to shape the content they would like to see.Reader participation is vital and we encourage your feedback. Pleasesubmit all comments, questions and suggestions in the fields below oralternatively, send them to