Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of May 24, 2013

Think before you speak and then think again.

Star galaxy nebula colourful 370 (photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
Star galaxy nebula colourful 370
(photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Think before you speak and then think again.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 Your mind is working overtime and you are so highly charged right now that it may be difficult for you to unwind enough to sleep. Rather than working things out in your mind, write them down and give your hard disc a breather. This is the week for taking care of personal business and for putting your own needs first. Someone from your past is seriously interested in renewing the friendship, but you will always see the flaw no matter how invisible the seam.
HINT: Try not to bring work home this weekend.
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22 – JULY 22 Don’t let past insecurities keep you from attaining your goals. You definitely know what you want and by now know what you need in order to add the final pieces of the puzzle. No excuses…roll up your sleeves and get to work. Your family will understand if you are not completely available, and if not then it will be up to you to set them straight. Your creative juices may not be flowing as freely as you had hoped but the time spent overcoming roadblocks will not be wasted. The final product will be something special and a work you can be very proud of.HINT: Be patient with your partner and/or mate on Monday and Tuesday.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 This is the week for putting everything aside in order to work on a project which brings you great personal satisfaction. In the past you have ignored your own needs while taking care of everyone else’s. You still have time to meet your deadline of reaching the last page by the end of the summer, but only if you start to do some significant work now. Plans to travel may be postponed a few months, but will not be cancelled, so continue putting money aside and check out convenient dates.
HINT: This is a good time for watching your diet or joining a gym or pool.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22 Your good name and reputation are especially important and this is a perfect week for reaching out and making new contacts.
The people you come into contact with now will have a positive effect on your future, so, even though you would rather stay home, get out and mingle. Your ability to concentrate on seemingly trivial matters may drive those closest to you crazy but don’t yield to pressure.
HINT: When speaking with a person of authority try to find a way to express your thoughts and feelings in a way which will not seem threatening. Remember, this is a discussion not a debate.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23 Pay attention while working at home or handling sharp objects. A momentary lack of concentration could be slightly dangerous. Nothing major, but still. Although money and financial matters are uppermost on your mind, there is little you can do that you haven’t already done. Not particularly good at biding your time, you have no choice. What you can do, however, is pay attention to the little things along the way…things which bring you joy and contentment which you might have missed otherwise.HINT: People living far away are on your mind and soon you will be spending some quality time together.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21 Although you have the feeling that things are moving at a snail’s pace, the important word is ‘moving’. No matter how slowly, you are making progress and when you consider your position a year ago you will be amazed at how much you really have accomplished.
There is no way you can avoid helping an old friend, so make arrangements to readjust your schedule and remember to smile.
HINT: Be patient with people you come into contact with daily…your peers, family members and neighbors.
Not everyone is interesting, but they all think you are fabulous!
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 This is the time for being very cautious where money is concerned and for taking precise and accurate notes. No one is better than you for getting the job done, but you have so much on your mind that you may err or forget, which might cause problems down the line. There are simply not enough hours in the day and the time has come for you to reach out and get the help you need.HINT: Not everyone has to know your business so choose your words carefully and decide in advance who you wish to let into your immediate inner circle.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 Work, work and more work is on the agenda this week and there is nothing you can do to get around it. So, pace yourself, be patient with those who feel it is their right to aggravate you and remember the last laugh is going to be yours! Before committing to yet another project, get a second opinion. There are only so many hours of the day and your personal life is crying out for attention! A discussion with a family member will be much more pleasant than you had anticipated as you are of one mind.
HINT: Good week for beautifying your home.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18 This is a great week for letting your creative juices flow, as you work on projects which continue to stretch you professionally and intellectually.
Although you don’t always have the patience you would like, you do appreciate the experience and knowledge you are amassing. Soon the pressure will lessen and that is when you will be able to enjoy your work more. In the meantime, your coworkers and employers are extremely happy to have you on their team.
Financially you are managing quite nicely but still find it difficult to put money aside.
HINT: This is a great week for all forms of work around your home.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20 When in doubt let your intuition guide you and you won’t err. Not all the people you work with have the same high ethics you do and prefer sitting around gossiping rather than doing what they are paid to do. However, the people in charge are well aware of your contribution. Family members continue to demand a lot of your time and soon you will have draw the line, for your sake as well as theirs. A lot of energy will be spent in and around the home this week, so plan accordingly and pace yourself.
HINT: When talking to an air sign pay attention to what is not being said.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 You have so much pentup energy and this is the time for finding a healthy positive outlet such as working at home or joining a gym.
This is also a good time for beginning a course or two. You have much to offer and will be a welcome member to any group you join.
When speaking with a sibling, don’t be swayed by compliments. Read between the lines! Your partner and/or mate continues to be a phenomenal source of strength and support as he/she stands firmly beside you.
HINT: You may not always see eyeto- eye with an earth sign but you are always prepared to guard each other’s back.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 Money and finances are on your mind these days as you consider renovating your home or moving.
Take your time. You don’t have to rush. You will know the place is right when you see it.
Professionally, you continue working overtime, but the end result certainly justifies the means. As you progress through this week, you will spend more and more time socializing and enjoying the camaraderie of old friends and new.
HINT: Take a few minutes to phone an elderly member of your family who misses you and would love to spend some time with you.