Star Catcher 319543

Astrology for the week of July 12, 2013

Supernova within the galaxy (R) 311 (photo credit: REUTERS/Ho New)
Supernova within the galaxy (R) 311
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ho New)
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 Your profession and good name are always important to you and you never hesitate to reach out and share your vast fund of knowledge with those who seriously are interested in learning. This week will provide you with a perfect opportunity to help someone you truly care about. Financially you continue to watch your situation carefully and may have to cut back a bit over the next few weeks in order to get through the slack summer months.
HINT: The health of an elderly member of your family is on your mind and now is the time to show you care.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 Meetings and social functions have their place but this week you will be overwhelmed by your commitments. In order to avoid any further misunderstandings, check your calendar often and wherever possible leave yourself some breathing space between appointments. A simple conversation with a water sign could suddenly turn into an argument and it will be up to you to walk away before you say anything you might regret later.
HINT: Delays in a certain project are expected and can’t be avoided this week.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Take a step back sometime this week to reassess your situation and get rid of some unneeded baggage you have been carrying around for far too long.
Not all friendships are supposed to last a lifetime and, no matter how difficult, sometimes ‘enough is just enough’. When you finally decide to put your own needs at the top of the list you will be amazed at how much lighter you feel emotionally.
HINT: A connection with a Libra is just what you need to put a little more balance in your life, so reach out and make arrangements to meet.
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 A great deal is happening in your life right now and you may find it difficult to get organized due to the constant interruptions by family and friends. At some point you will be wise to set up some workable borders and try to remember to avoid saying ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’. Financially things are much better than you imagined and will continue to improve the more you watch your spending and cut back on unnecessary purchases.
HINT: A surge of energy on Sunday is just what you need to jump-start your week.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 Mix-ups and minor setbacks at work are expected, so back up your computer, double check your agenda and, when in doubt, make a phone call or two. Since there is little you can do to change the situation, getting upset and angry are simply a waste of time and energy. By the latter portion of this week you will have a few more answers to your list of questions and are well on your way toward making an important decision.
But, for the time being avoid committing yourself. In a few weeks you can make your move.
HINT: Time spent with a fire sign will help to recharge your batteries.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 The decisions you made a few weeks ago are beginning to take form and soon you will be ready to make your move. All your hard work is about to pay off, so relax and enjoy the fruits of a job well done. Physically you could use a break and this week is the time for checking out what’s available within your budget and free time. However, wait a couple of weeks before finalizing your plans.
HINT: Tuesday and Wednesday are good days for meetings and socializing with old friends so pick up the phone make arrangements.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Doors close and windows unlock, so keep an open mind and pay attention.
This is the time for listening carefully rather than speaking.
Soon you will have your turn and that is when you can voice not only your opinion but add a few choice comments along the way.
Professionally you have learned a great deal over the past few months and are ready to take the next step.
HINT: Pay attention to finances and try to avoid any major purchases for the next few weeks.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 20 After months of hard work you really need a vacation and although you don’t have the funds or time for taking some serious time away from your desk, you can however enjoy little mini trips.
The change of scenery will do you good and you will enjoy the company of interesting and fun people you meet along the way. Professionally, your good name and reputation precede you. As the weeks progress, you will be made an offer which will demand some serious thought and consideration.
HINT: Invite people over this weekend for a leisurely meal.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 The accent this week is on money and finances and you need to take a step back and take a good, hard look at your plans for the future. Rather than get upset, use that energy toward smoothing out the bumps in the road and making your dream a reality. You have so many friends, and this is the perfect week for socializing and getting out a bit. A certain project is on your mind, but, for the time being, as long as you stay well within your budget, you can rest easy.
HINT: Tuesday through Thursday are the best days this week for cutting back on starchy food...reach for fruit and vegetables instead.
Temporary breakdown in communication between yourself and a neighbor or sibling could cause you a bit of distress, but it won’t last for long and soon all will pass as if nothing happened. The best you can do is write things down, keep precise notes, back up your computer and if you need to send anything by post, then send it registered mail. Better to be safe than sorry. If delays in plans begin to upset you, don’t force the issue… go with the flow and wait for the light to change.
HINT: Your relationship with your family is stronger now than ever and you can always turn to them for a kind word, advice or a helping hand.
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Although raring to go, your increased energy may have to be reined in while waiting for your partner and/or mate to decide what they want before you can act. In the meantime, there is so much paperwork that needs attending to at home, and this is the time for sorting through everything and discarding anything that is no longer of interest or value. A connection between your career and your personal needs need not pose a conflict if you take your time and work out some of the minor details.
HINT: Your relationship with another fire sign is much more pleasant these days.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH Always sensitive, this week finds you even more aware of your surroundings, and an out-of-place look can send your mood tumbling down. Take a step back and remember that you are stronger than you thought, smarter than you know, and kinder than most people around you. Your creative juices have not dried up, they have just gone into hibernation for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, take notes, plan carefully and soon, when the time is right, be ready to sit down for some serious work.
HINT: From the beginning of this week a boost in your energy levels will help to get things done.