History is repeating itself

Last week, world powers reached a framework agreement with Iran regarding the future development of Iran’s nuclear program.

Final round of negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran continue in Vienna November 21, 2014 (photo credit: REUTERS)
Final round of negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran continue in Vienna November 21, 2014
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Last week, the world powers reached a framework agreement with Iran regarding the future development of Iran’s nuclear program. It seems symbolic that the framework agreement was signed the day before Passover – a holiday symbolizing freedom and the basic survival of the nation of Israel.
Any reasonable person can understand the real danger to Israel and the entire Western world if Iran becomes, God forbid, a nuclear state. The leaders of the free world cannot rely on the word of Iran as it continues to state, openly and clearly, its desire to destroy the State of Israel and its intention to impose Islam on the entire world.
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Iranian aid given to Houthi rebels at the same time as negotiations are being held, and the unification of pro-Iranian Arab countries further reinforce the extent to which Iran poses a danger to the security of the world.
The most realistic way to prevent this agreement from coming to fruition is through the US Congress. Strengthening understanding within Congress that this agreement will be detrimental to the Western world and Israel will enable the formation of a bipartisan coalition to stop the impending agreement from being signed. A two-thirds majority of each house of Congress can override the presidential veto thus preventing the signing of the agreement entirely.
The speech given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Congress a few weeks ago strengthened this position among many Senators and members of Congress. It is the political and moral obligation of Netanyahu and the Israeli government and in the interest of Israel’s security to continue working toward preventing this dangerous agreement. Standing up steadfastly to the world superpowers, as Netanyahu has done, is admirable and these leaders would do well to listen to the nature and content of the prime minister’s words.
The Munich Agreement, signed a year before the outbreak of World War II, represented the peak of the policy of appeasement adopted by European leaders in the period between the two world wars. This policy, which strove to avoid conflict at all costs, turned a blind eye to the increasing political and military power of tyrants who endangered the very future of Europe. What began as an attempt to avoid fighting, resulted in the greatest war known to humanity.
Winston Churchill wrote: “It fell to Neville Chamberlain in one of the supreme crises of the world to be contradicted by events, to be disappointed in his hopes, and to be deceived and cheated by a wicked man. But what were these hopes in which he was disappointed? What were these wishes in which he was frustrated? What was that faith that was abused? They were surely among the most noble and benevolent instincts of the human heart – the love of peace, the toil for peace, the strife for peace, the pursuit of peace, even at great peril, and certainly to the utter disdain of popularity or clamour.”
Signing a conciliatory agreement with the dark dictatorship of the ayatollahs would be a historic mistake that could wreak havoc on the civilized world. I hope that the president of the United States and the leaders of the world powers will come to their senses and prevent an agreement that is liable to lead to the destruction of Israel and the Western world.
The author is a Knesset member for Likud