Yair Netanyahu

Politicians must stop attacking IDF commanders - editorial

The challenge posed by reservists’ refusal to volunteer for service due to the government’s judicial reform plans is a serious one. But these sinister attacks on the IDF’s commanders must stop.

Yair Netanyahu shares post calling IDF chief 'biggest failure in history'

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant condemned the post, stressing that the chief of staff is an "outstanding" officer.

Where is Yair Netanyahu and will he return to Israel?

In an interview with 103 FM, Uriel Hor Nizri, the attorney for the prime minister's son, Yair Netanyahu, stated that he is out of the country with no plans to return soon.

Prime Minister tells Yair Netanyahu to stop tweeting amid controversy

Netanyahu has accounts on many social networks, but since the announcement to freeze the reform, he has been relatively silent.


We are all fearful of what Netanyahu is doing to Israel now - opinion

King Bibi might be running away from demonstrations here, but they are dogging him wherever in the world he is still welcome.

State Department denies Yair Netanyahu's accusation it funds Israeli protests

“These accusations are completely and demonstrably false,” said State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel.

The US is funding Israel's anti-Netanyahu protests, Yair Netanyahu alleges

The Prime Minister's son shared an article from alt-right website Breitbart, in which it alleges that the US is funding protests to topple Netanyahu.


Yair Netanyahu compares Israel's judicial reform protests to Nazi Germany

Yair Netanyahu has been particularly critical of the judicial reform protests that have swept Israel in the last few months.

Yair Netanyahu: Tel Aviv protesters are terrorists, must be jailed

The Prime Minister's son compared Tel Aviv to Ramallah, and said that the protesters had become "twins with their Palestinian barbarian brothers."

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