ADL after LA synagogue attack: Jews most targeted religious group

ADL condemns LA synagogu

The Anti-Defamation League has expressed deep concern over Thursday's shooting at the Adat Yeshurun Valley Sephardic synagogue in North Hollywood. "While we have not confirmed the motive behind this horrendous act, we obviously take a shooting at a synagogue very seriously and ask for the community to contact LAPD or ADL with any information," said ADL Regional Director Amanda Susskind. "We commend the Los Angeles Police Department for immediately committing resources to vigorously investigate this crime and for their continuing commitment to the protection of all religious institutions." "Statistics consistently show Jews to be far and away the most frequently targeted religious group, with 74 percent of hate crimes motivated by religion being perpetrated against Jews in Los Angeles County," added Susskind, citing the most recent Hate Crime Report of the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations. Los Angeles police were still searching Friday for the assailant who shot and wounded two men as they entered the synagogue, in what officials are calling a senseless act of violence.