Complaint issued by migrant worker against Sara Netanyahu

The Hotline for Migrant Workers and Physicians for Human Rights issued a statement on Tuesday saying that they had received a complaint that "raised serious suspicions on the work conditions of 'T', a migrant worker who lived in the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem and was employed as a caretaker for Sara Netanyahu's father.
The statement said that T was prevented from leaving the residence and was not paid severance pay "with the intention of ensuring that she would leave the country. If this indeed turns out to be true, it would constitute the denial of the freedom of a worker and the use of pressure against said employee while exploiting her weakness."
In regard to the allegation that Netanyahu tried to force the foreign worker to leave the country, the statement said "law enforcement is carried out by the relevant authorities and it is not up to any employer no matter what their status is, to arrange the exit of a foreign worker from the country."
"We are certain that this complaint will be examined by the relevant trustworthy bodies and that the investigation will be carried out in an unbiased fashion."